La otra parte tiene que ver con el uso de las plantas naturales y la preparacin de infusiones, porque con eso se tratan las diferentes enfermedades. Herlinda had never questioned her path in lifeshe simply followed her family's tradition. Javier: Todos mis profesores y mentores han sido muy importantes en mi carrera. Cuando el beb contrae su abdomen al llorar, se queda sin aire. She taught Javier one of the most important skills for opera singers: breath control. Me dijo: "Recibiste una nominacin para los Premios Grammy Latinos!" Nos deca que la nica forma de darse a conocer era participar en concursos internacionales. Martina: Javiers first performance at The Met was a success. Adems de eso, estaba la falta de educacin en las escuelas y el machismo. En Guatemala, las mujeres de reas rurales son muy vulnerables. Duolingo Learn languages by playing a game. 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | usssa baseball tournaments 2022. Me dijo que poda ser tenor, pero que el trabajo iba a ser difcil. Linda also had long been interested in a specific group of patients who visited her grandmother: young women who didn't have access to family planning methods. With over 300 million users, Duolingo is the world's leading language learning platform, and the most downloaded education app in the world. Adems, no olvidemos el costo econmico de la salud, porque ese era un problema para las personas pobres que vivan en las zonas rurales. La gente pensaba que as la mala energa pasaba del cuerpo del beb al huevo. Depending on how exactly Duolingo takes your location, I . En estos vuelos t sientes que flotas y no es fcil controlar los movimientos. 6. Yo estaba muy nervioso. She sang for herself and her family. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. Le pregunt si estaba loco y le dije que mis amigos iban a pensar que yo estaba haciendo el ridculo. But she proved them wrong. Guanajuato is in the interior, north of Mexico City. Ellos simplemente quieren ms! Por suerte, yo tena a mi abuela como gua. Martina: Unfortunately, Irma's joy lasted for exactly two days. Irma: "Qu es eso de los Grammy? He was anxious, and couldn't wait to deliver the news. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work. Martina: He wanted Javier to enter a popular contest in Trujillo, Peru. Martina: In France she used to miss, or extraar, her friends and family. Algo de eso me dej pensando. Linda: En mi adolescencia, vi a muchas mujeres en mi casa hablando sobre este tipo de cosas con mi abuela, y comprend que la salud materna es el corazn de la justicia social. Sal lentamente del escenario. Martina: But distrust had never been an issue for healers like Linda's grandmother. Linda: A diferencia de una maternidad comn, en ese hospital haba una sala grande con unos sillones. English to Spanish translation of " nuestras abuelas son mexicanas " (our grandmothers are mexican). Linda: Durante mi residencia, yo pensaba en cmo mi trabajo verdaderamente poda mejorar la vida de las mujeres. If you miss something, you can always skip back and listen again. It was a dream come truebut also a lot of pressure. Carmen: Me fui a Francia en 2009. . Hablaba con ellas para poder entender su visin. Linda: Gracias a ese trabajo, yo conoc Guatemala de punta a punta, porque viajaba para supervisar la calidad de la atencin materna en diferentes hospitales. Martina: There are famous opera singers in Mexico: Jos Mujica, Francisco Araiza, Ramn Vargas; but, opera isnt a very popular choice for music students in Mexico. A veces yo no puedo creer que llegu hasta aqu. (Be careful!) Qu pas con esos ros y mares? En el bote (In jail) 7. Compartilhar isto . Linda started to design a better system of care for Guatemalan women. And within each unit, there are several stepping stones that cover skills, concepts and thematic topics (e.g. Carmen: En ese lugar se practican las operaciones necesarias para la exploracin espacial. []Lucy isnt like other grandmas shes a ~cool~ grandma. Martina: Besides his singing gigs, Jorge was earning some money doing administrative work for a record label, Universal Music. Por eso, si yo quera seguir cantando y creciendo, deba salir de Veracruz e ir a la Universidad de Guanajuato. It's 100% free, fun and science-based. Linda: En los aos de la universidad, no pude hacerlo porque no tena suficiente dinero, pero ella me visitaba a menudo. Pero, esta vez, yo estaba listo. They were treated more like janitors than healthcare professionals. (**** yeah!) On Earth, an average American uses just under 500 liters of water a day. Yo tuve que romper con todos los modelos para ser una especialista en exploracin espacial y participar en simulaciones de viajes a Marte como esta. They talked to Irma, and tried to convince her that her age and gender no longer mattered! Yo nunca haba visto tantos micrfonos y equipos de sonido. Martina: Javier was broken hearted. Yo me sent feliz y satisfecha! Mi profesor me prest uno de color blanco que me quedaba tan grande que me pareca a Clavillazo. At age ten, he learned to play a special type of 12-string bass guitar. You can check out all the Spanish vocabulary and grammar we cover here, and we add new material all the time. Martina: Jorge even asked his uncles to help. Videos and resources to learn basic Spanish, Spanish for beginners. Martina: As Linda participated in those debates, she felt like she was getting involved in something more important than just representing Guatemala's medical system at the conference. Fresa (Preppy) 5. Javier: Pero todo era diferente en Guanajuato. In fact, she always encouraged her to study, read, and learn as much as possible while she was in school. When she finished her degree, she went on to get a Masters in Space Studies at the International Space University in France. Martina: Jorge explained, and then Irma finally understood. She cried. 20.1M learners. Irma: Yo no entenda cmo una mujer de 80 aos como yo iba a grabar un disco. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast Im Martina Castro. She still did not fully understand how she got there, but she was thrilled! Jorge wore dark jeans and a black hat that he likes to wear on stage. Martina: Javier decided to stay in the theater and watch the other contestants perform. That includes NASA, but also international institutions like the European Space Agency. This map seems to be a slightly different copy of this map, which was created by Duolingo itself . Por eso, las mujeres en las reas rurales no queran ir a los hospitales. Our data reflects the state of language learning for the most inclusive sample ever amassed: we have over 500 million learners in all 194 countries, Duolingo is free to use and is available as a mobile app and a website so learners from all backgrounds and profiles use our . So he spent a lot of time with Irma, who would sing to him every day. Martina: This story was produced by Catalina May, senior editor of the Duolingo Spanish podcast. Mi voz tena que escucharse sobre la orquesta en vivo y llegar a los odos de ms de 3,000 personas. Episode 54: Mi abuela la curandera (My Grandmother the Healer) By Duolingo on Thu 23 Apr 2020. Martina: To put this new policy into practice in her home country, Linda joined forces with the nonprofit Planned Parenthood. Linda: Haba diecisis alumnas, la mayora vena de comunidades rurales, tal como yo en el pasado. Irma says she's happier than ever. Yo tom el telfono y llam a mi familia y a mis amigos en Mxico para hablarles de mi experiencia. Thus a grandson is nieto, grandchildren are known as nietos, but a granddaughter is nieta. Jorge: Yo les di la bienvenida: "Buenas tardes a todos. The storyteller will be using intermediate Spanish, and I'll be chiming in for context in English. Yo les tena mucha envidia porque tambin quera ser cantante. Martina: While getting her masters she had the opportunity to do an internship at NASAs Ames Research Center in California. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Martn Cruz Farga, Executive Producer/Editor: Martina Castro, Episode 36: De Mxico a Marte (From Mexico to Mars). Martina: "Mal de ojo", or the "evil eye", is considered an illness by many Guatemalans who believe humans have the power to transfer bad energy to others. Martina: Opera is all about endurance, Javier," Cecilia told her young opera student. Los cantantes son como diamantes y los maestros nos cortan, nos modelan, nos pulen. Martina: After watching other contestants to see what they could do with their voices and how they naturally moved on stage, Javier understood he had work to do. And if you liked this story, please share it! In addition to accompanying mothers during their pregnancy, theyre also highly respected community leaders and health promoters, especially in more rural or low-income communities. Qu padre! when is our grandmother visiting us in spanish duolingo. Listen free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. "What can you lose?". The emcee announced the next band: Buyuchek. Jorge's dad passed away when he was just a few months old. Martina: Linda was ultimately successful during her first years as a doctor. Carmen: Yo crec en una familia grande: ramos tres hermanos, una hermana, muchos primos y tos. Lucy is one of the Duolingo main characters who appears in the stories, lessons and other events. Martina: Javier graduated from college and decided to participate in Mexicos most important music contest, Concurso Nacional de Canto Carlo Morelli. Now, he knew his strengths and weaknesses. If we were to tell someone that they are mexican, we would say that our grandparents are mexican, but we would only mean our grandmothers, since only they are alive. Whether you are learning Spanish to study or because you want to travel to a Spanish-speaking country. Mexican Spanish can more or less be referred to as Latin . Javier: Despus de escuchar pera por primera vez, me inscrib en una clase de canto con la maestra Cecilia Perfecto, una profesora de pera de la Universidad Veracruzana. He lives in Zurich, Switzerland with his family and still calls el Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City his musical home. Preferiblemente, algo relacionado con la ingeniera y la ciencia. Carmen: En Marte, tiene que haber un hbitat preparado esperando la llegada de los astronautas. Martina: Parteras and curanderas would be the liaisons between the modern and the traditional. Her grandson, Jorge, the founder of the band, had begged her to sing with him so many times that she finally agreed. Martina: Not only would Javier learn to sing opera, but he would become one of the most famous singers of our time. Martina: The video crew set up the stage next to Irma's favorite spot on her ranch: an old oak tree. Javier: Yo saba que tena que trabajar en mis arias y en la forma de pararme en el escenario. Carmen: Llegamos a la Luna hace 50 aos y eso fue algo que cambi la historia de la humanidad para siempre. Her teachers taught her about a very popular type of regional music called rancheras. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work. Javier: Yo no estaba listo para ningn concurso. Martina: Not many girls her age went to school, but Irma did. Javier: Ha sido realmente una carrera de resistencia. Qu les puedo decir? This episode touches on topics related to reproductive health and contraception. So he did over and over. Martina: Carmens simulation in the Utah desert was in 2016 and it lasted 16 days. In Guatemala, this is a practice passed down orally through generations in the same family. Ella me dijo que le encantaba la idea y que me iba a ayudar a producirlo. Pero yo creo que, poco a poco, si combinamos lo mejor de la medicina tradicional con la medicina moderna, seguiremos avanzando. "Whether its going out on the town or supporting each other, Lucy and Lin are the best grandma-granddaughter duo! A mi padre no le gustaba ver a las mujeres cantar porque solo los hombres podan hacerlo. On Earth, the body is used to moving in relation to the force of gravity, which imposes resistance. Esa vez, gan una mencin de honor. He kept hearing the voice of his old teacher, Cecilia Perfecto, urging him to compete, to learn and to improve. Cuando el beb dejaba de llorar, mi abuela deca: "Su beb ya est curado". Martina: In 2004, Dr. Linda Valencia came across something she had never seen before in her line of work. A new category where you can find the top search words and phrases translated into English and Spanish. Our Spanish course is designed by our curriculum experts and learning scientists to align with the CEFR, international language teaching guidelines that focus on communication and getting learners to use their new language. Yo fui con una excompaera y un excompaero de la Universidad Internacional del Espacio, en Francia, donde hice mi maestra. Estamos nominados a los Premios Grammy Latinos!". Me empez a gustar el escenario! Practice online on or on the apps! Javier: Dos aos despus, me invitaron a cantar en Suiza en la Casa de pera de Zrich. Este siempre fue mi sueo ms grande. Javier: Cuando escuch pera por primera vez, supe que haba encontrado mi pasin. She felt she was leaving a bubble, or a burbuja. And recently, something that appears to be a lake was found about one kilometer underground. Yo no saba de qu hablaba, as que le pregunt: "Felicidades? Send us an email with your feedback at Martina: Linda's grandmother, Herlinda, had stopped healing people from the community after she left to live with Linda in Guatemala City. Linda: Ella siempre estuvo segura de que yo iba a ir a la universidad. Some exercises consist of working on posture, pronunciation and, of course, breathing. If you miss something, you can always skip back and listen again and we also offer full transcripts at A m me daba mucha vergenza. Carmen: Cuando extraaba mucho a mi familia y amigos, pensaba que los astronautas tenan que ser personas fuertes y preparadas para las situaciones difciles. A conocer era participar en concursos internacionales los astronautas as que le pregunt: `` Qu eso. Fevereiro de 2023 | usssa baseball tournaments 2022 on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to Podcasts 500. 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