harrypotterfanfiction. And he wasnt about to risk rubbing just for his father to catch him and spank him again. James covers Harrys bottom in another round of spanks before moving to Harrys spit spot, which quickly turned deep red like the rest of Harrys bottom. If Harry tries to hug him, James yells at him, shouting for him to get off. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This man, my brother, has committed crimes against Midgard and will be harshly punished in Asgard. And don't you dare lie!" When James finds Harry crying, James spanks Harry as punishment for showing weakness. Umbridge seems to deliberately antagonize Harry so that he'd lose his temper. Everyone left so he tried to lean on the two people he thought never would, and they ended up leaving too! When Harry greets or smiles at his father, James does not return the greeting or the smile. Thor looking resigned, grabbed the chains, the tesseract, and the two disappeared in a flash of electric blue and the crash of thunder. Her life was dedicated to protecting him. For what! James stuffs Harry into captivity bag and takes him to a sacrificial temple dedicated to the Dark Arts, where all their relatives were gathered for the ceremony in which James would kill Harry. Severus raised an eyebrow as if to say 'Really woman? James does not know why children are born at all and wishes that humans could be born full-grown. Around sits all the evil members of the Potter family. Its a sucky place to be, but its so refreshing that Rowling went there for the longest book in the series. Angry outbursts are actually fairly common with PTSD. And this stay at the Dursleys is bookended by two awful attacks. Hello! +1. 1) The connection with Voldemort increased his anger and frustration. In OoTP, after Voldemorts Return to power, the connection through Harry's scar was the strongest it had ever been. Harry tells his mother he loves her. If dark matter was created in the early universe and its formation released energy, is there any evidence of that energy in the cmb? Harry wants more than anything to live with Lily away from the rest of their family. Especially in the 5th Year? Chain Me, muzzle Me, I will go in my fathers stead. I'm glad that Ron and Hermione didn't completely fall out with him over his anger. KEY word assumed while the wizarding saw a family who lived and enjoyed their freedom from the dar. 8) The Ministry and the Daily Prophet running a smear campaign against him, which he could see people reading about in the Daily Prophet everyday. In this narrative, a twenty something Harry gets sucked through the Veil through magical experimentation. It drives me nuts how people act like his anger at them was irrational and unjustified. But nevertheless, he wanted to show Petunia, that he was not going to be manipulated by her clumsy attempts in hiding the evidence. Loki had seen each of his children ripped away at birth for a crime they had yet to commit by his own father. Umbridge and there's also the fact that Headmaster is suddenly avoiding him. Few things are scarier than an angry motherLoki had seen each of his children ripped away at birth for a crime they hadyet to commit by his own father. Mr. He's also being affected by an evil horcrux in his brain. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? My mother will be healed at my house Potter announced with authority. From a literary point-of-view, Is Harry Potter's anger representation an accurate portrayal of a person whose found himself in his particular situation? The story is set when Harry is 6 years old and it's very AU. Looking down at his newest child, HarryPotter, he vowed that would never happen.If he has to take over midgard to have a place where he can openly lovehis children, so be it. James agrees to his wifes proposal. SkylineMoonrise, GrumpyHumpty, MissHugMe, Ximic, JaidynNicholas, LiveryFaith, Sayo_the_Anarchyedge, Lucy_Lee_Dakota, Anonymoose1983, ItsNexuzIg, Simona2332, SaphJack, Hids, Elllundril, Mythical_Sneep, Wolfbridge, DemonEarth666, Jexos, DPD_genrefictionbiblioholic, Rema_Tomarry, Heiden_avocado, BlackSkyFan15, CaffeinatedCappuccinoCat, Jayysstar, Aria55, OneTeen, Isisx7x, panic_dot_com, curious3451, Sonyashna, Eclipse_dragon21, Rlackbabbit, cattalez03, Thegoodchild83, Inkkblot, Ne_znay_kak, HeavenMayCare, ReaderEB88, Susurra, shaer, AluClaus, AwildCAPRICORGIhasappeared, MagicalReaderGirl1, Bone_Fae_Spam, 707Nex707, fireworksburst, YaOiLoVeR27, calli_0p3, Cionnfhaoladh, Sheath1111, and 4155 more users Harry develops a close bond with his mother so that he is in her company for 99% of the time during his childhood outside school. Ron confides to Harry. It was mainly due to his emotional connection with Voldemort. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). "Glasses," Harry mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyeballs. Harry is voluntarily subservient to his mother. Is email scraping still a thing for spammers, How to choose voltage value of capacitors. This work could have adult content. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. To Harry, the sun rises and sets for his sister, whom he loves so much. What is described in the books is reminiscent of PTSD and depression, obviously from his disturbing encounter with Voldemort and the subsequent emotional and physical torture (which is completely ignored and not acknowledged by anybody) but also from his time spent cooped up at the Dursleys which is an unpleasant and abusive environment and does not offer any support whatsoever to a traumatized fourteen year old. James finds his son in his bathroom. Several of Harrys teeth are knocked out of his mouth. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. See a mental doctor B.) So when Harry reminds him that he's an adult capable of making his own decisions and unwittingly offers him a way out.Well, what can he do but take it? The Ministry of Magic was also pushing the Daily Prophet to print stories about him that made him out to be a lunatic. There were other punishments. The voice chuckled, surprising non-threateningly thought Tony. dracomalfoy. Charlus presents to his son a sacrificial dagger and hands it to him. Founded ( Sirius Black's Daughter) by Peehu Tiwari. James lets loose Harry from the ropes tying him to the pillar. But lately she has been changing in personality, breaking Harry's heart. Unlike the vast majority of HP fanfiction, Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux begins out of Hogwarts and stars a grown-up trio. Are you not both the Princes of King Oden, or has your honor fallen so low? Potter was heaving after his rant, his anger rolling off of him.. Harry is hungry, thirsty, itching, sick, and in need of using the toilet. Harrys bottom was fiery red and burning hot. Why does he regard taking Occlumency lessons as a punishment, rather than a necessity? That added to the hormones, the crippling self esteem issues, survivors guilt, lack of sleep (nightmares), being put down by everybody, a heavy workload and Umbridge ad her torture sessions to contend with, not to mention the hormones, its no wonder Harry is a bit messed up that year. Impossible Then shaking Loki and throwing him to the ground Thor demanded in a low voice Brother, who have you called!. Harry Potter Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Lily keeps Harry by her side as much as possible, knowing that James did not love Harry and hoping to spare Harry from Jamess punishments as much as she could. Work Search: James interrupts, mimicking his son. Lily called Harry darling or by his name. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? We are the princes, not the king!. b) He had recently witnessed the death of a schoolmate which gave him nightmares throughout the summer, c) Voldemort was back ; So the part of him which was in Harry was "acting up" with renewed vigor (which explains the flashes of thoughts and rage he was feeling synced with Voldemort). Plus, yes, girl problems. Voldemort's evil certainly effected Harry's mood, much like wearing the locket Horcrux did as well, in Deathly Hallows. I'd be pretty pissed too! I am here for Loki and nothing else! the teen, apparently called Potter spat. In addition, when do their own countries continue their punishment to such an extreme. He then turned towards Thor and accused And you Uncle! Choose an interesting character, preferably a more obscure one that not many other people will have written about, and put them into a new situation. I love both books of course but OOTF is a really cool twist to the franchise. In fact the next time Harry hears from Remus after third year is when he appears out the blue to kidnap cough-Sorry rescue Harry and take him to a creepy house in London after yet another near Death experience! If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. That its misdirected and try to help. Worry about Voldemort's certainly evil plans also contributed to Harry's overall stress levels. For Harry, the Weasleys, Hermione, Sirius, and Remus were the closest thing he had to family, ranking above the Dursleys, who were blood relations. When Lily knows Harry is going to be punished, Lily keeps her son in her company at all times by means of hiding him from James and thereby from a beating or spanking. James neither liked nor disliked it when he punished Harry it was the one part of fatherhood that he neither enjoyed nor hated. And as a side note, Ron and Hermione are really wonderful for not getting mad at him over it. Why didn't Umbridge use legilimency against Harry? When he sat gingerly on the edge of the chair the chains clinked threateningly, but did not bind him. Repeat nothing you heard before marching back up to the quinjet. We see it with the firebolt and with Malfoy and a few other situations and it's just annoying that Harry has to stand his ground and basically be like "No this is what I know is happening". I resent that Tony muttered. Well. As it settled, Fury walked forward with eyes only for the young boy. Harry and Lilys relationship is very strong. if i was harry id lose my shit every day, he is pretty calm if you consider the stuff he's been through. James stabs the dagger into Harrys neck, decapitating his son. Scan this QR code to download the app now. James and Lily called each other dear or by their names, but the former stops when James descends into evil. This can cause intensified mood swings, emotional disturbances, and other sociological imbalances while the body is learning to keep the sexual hormones balanced. I totally agree with your opinion on this. Ron and Hermione dont deserve it, but I dont blame Harry either. Mr. He wasnt allowed to rub the sting away. When he sees his mother, Harry runs into her arms. No! When James calls the bathroom his own, Lily states it belonged to both of them and to their son not just to James. Lily tells James how and why Harry was hiding in their bathroom (the said bathroom belonged to their nuclear family). and our And even if he were there, I dont think Harry wouldve felt comfortable yelling (when he yells at the end of OoTP, it is under extraordinary circumstances). The figure lowered its cloak displaying not the half skeleton half woman Tony expected from mythology but instead a petite teenage boy with startling green eyes and fuck me black hair. left kudos on this work! Suddenly the big bright green eyes of Harry James Potter Lupin Black opened and squinted around the room. Charluss wish is fulfilled James has sacrificed his firstborn eleven-year-old son and has been punished for marrying Lily. # 6. But he didnt have anyone else to go to, anyone else he felt comfortable enough to break down in front of. For Harry, he doesnt have too many people in his life like this. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And who is going to stop me? Potter said boldly. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. Seidr this is not your battle nor place! Thor commanded Asgard has no quarrel with your people. He didn't understand why he felt anger. Although the Potter family except Lily loathed Harry, the Potters did not like nor dislike it when Harry suffered or was punished. BUT FROM HARRY'S BLOOD?! With Seamus, it is a bit unfair. The temple was isolated and no one would hear Harrys cries. List goes on for examples which demonstrate Harry's closeness to his mates. He invaded Midgard and defied the All Father! Thor exclaimed. Tony groaned as Thor puffed up with pride He has felled eighty Midgardians with his own magic and commanded an army to destroy this Island of York!. Lily betrays her family and their country by assassinating her father-in-law, which renders James as the new king of the Potter Empire. Potter! The purposes of Lilys execution are known to Harry, but not the details as to why Lily had done as she had. "Bloody idiot, first his wand now this lunacy an owl, could be intercepted by dark witches or wizards" after Moody broke the silence Remus put in trying to defend Harry, "I have never seen Harry lose his temper like this, he has been under a lot of pressure though." Dumbledore and Sirius were now having a soft conversation. Ages 15-16 or so are when you're adult enough to learn to drive and have opinions of your own, but are still viewed as an oblivious child by. But Lily knew James had to beat or spank Harry and steels herself to allow for this to happen. Spend a few pages writing out your plot. Voldemort literally ripped his very soul, what can one man do in less than a week so as to be called equal to the abomination that was Voldemort. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. RELATED: 20 Wild Fan Redesigns Of Unexpected Harry Potter Couples. Harrys life is much better than it was living with the Dursleys, except for the beatings and spankings he endures from James. Harry and Lexi Potter, the Twins who Lived. The third, and I believe most important, factor contributing to Harry's anger was the fact that. Stand back before he enraptures you! Tony turned to see what had startled them. Thor was visibly startled, while Loki groaned desperately from where he was violently thrown to the floor. One side of Harrys childhood is filled with love and kindness and the other is filled with hatred and cruelty. Work Search: Why did Dumbledore believe Sirius' version of events in PoA. I see this scene as Harry not only letting go of all the anger and pain that's festered since the graveyard but Harry letting out all the anger he's never been able to get off of his chest without fear of punishment; from the abuse from the Dursleys to the sadness he feels to not having parents to the multiple murder attempts on his life to getting bullied at school by Snape and Malfoy. All Harry was given by his father was cruelty. Remember how badly Ron acted under the influence of the Horcrux in Deathly Hallows? If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Anything Harry is punished for with a spanking if for being late to meals, for waking him up at night due to loud screams from nightmares, and for awakening him at his bedroom in the night because of fear from nightmares. Ground Thor demanded in a low voice brother, has committed crimes against Midgard will! 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