university of michigan dearborn electrical engineering curriculum

Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or, ECE584 Speech Processes 3 Credit Hours. . The course will introduce the basic issues in multimedia communications and networking and is designed to give the student hands-on experience in various aspects of multimedia communications through the various assignments and projects. Advances in computer architecture. A basic introduction to modern wireless communication principles and architectures. Edit your . Principles and characteristics of embedded micro-processors: processor/device interfaces; time critical I/O handling; data communications in embedded environments. Then, theoretical methods for analyzing the kinematic and dynamic properties of a mobile robot are discussed, followed by the discussion on the key subsystems of a mobile robot, including perception, localization, planning and control. ECE570 Computer Networks 3 Credit Hours. University of Michigan-Dearborn alumnus with a Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering. The goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, issues, solutions, and state-of-the-art research and best practices pertaining to the cyber-security of the modern power grids, also known as "smart power grids". ECE553 Sftware/Hrdware Rapid Protyp 3 Credit Hours, Rapid prototyping technology is primarily aimed at reducing the lead times and costs associated with new product development. This course introduces the basics of energy storage systems for EDV. ECE665 Optimal Control Systems 3 Credit Hours. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer ScienceCan enroll if Major is Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Information Sys Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, ECE615 Advanced Power Electronics 3 Credit Hours. Mar 2009 - Aug 202213 years 6 months. The ECE Department offers an evening program of 30 credit hours, leading to the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering). (F), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Rackham or Graduate or Doctorate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE618 Advanced Grid Protection 3 Credit Hours. Students are expected to have knowledge of high-level programming language and will be required to accomplish a research-related course project. Three lecture hours per week. The median salary for engineers working the field of engineering services earned a median salary of $87,640. (Tag: Theory), b) an ability to use modern engineering software, processes, devices, and diagnostic tools for advanced engineering design and development. The University of Michigan, Dearborn campus operates one main suburban campus with an estimated land size of just over 200 acres along with the subordinating Fairlane Campus containing the Fairlane Center North (FCN) and the Fairlane Center South (FCS) amongst a few other buildings. Please confirm your cognate course selections with the ECE Department, via e-mail, prior to registering. (F). The purpose of this course is NOT to teach students how to become hackers, but rather to teach them about threat models and attack vectors for cyber-physical systems so that they can develop countermeasures to defend against threats. ECE574 Adv Sftwr Technq in Eng Appl 3 Credit Hours. This course covers more advanced topics including a focus on networked and ringed systems, generation protection, grounding and protecting distribution networks with two-way power flow. A student gets a satisfactory grade if he/she attends at least two research seminars during the course period. View the University of Michigan profile of Xuan Zhou. Core Courses (Select 3 courses from the following), Specialization Courses (Select 3 courses from the following lists). The student will submit a report on the project and give an oral presentation to a panel of faculty members at the close of the term. Finally, students will work on related applications employing digital signal processors such as speech processing, instrumentation, and image processing. Real Time Kernels. Application of the methodologies, tools and theory of software engineering to produce a specific validated software product. ECE5770 Autonomous UAS 3 Credit Hours, This course will introduce the basic concepts of autonomous unmanned aerial systems. Students with inadequate background in Electrical/Computer Engineering may be required to meet with the department graduate advisor to determine the need for preparatory courses. Students will become familiar with the mathematical tools needed for digital signal processing such as the Fourier transform, frequency response, the sampling theorem, and z-transform method. Random Variables using probability density and distribution functions, functions of a random variable, and conditional and joint probabilities. ECE566 Mechatronics 3 Credit Hours. An approved course exemption does not reduce the total number of credit hours needed to satisfy program requirements. Monochrome and color vision in man and machines, image quantization edge detection, image enhancement, image restoration, color analysis and processing, multispectral image processing, texture analysis, image coding and compression, morphology, geometrical image modifications. VLSI computer structures. Includes symmetrical component calculations and use; protection coordination; network, radial and ringed system protection; central station and distributed generator protection; and an overview of emerging topics. Students will also use tools that are unique to interacting with cyber-physical systems. ECE5462 Elec Aspects of Hybrid Vehicle 3 Credit Hours. (F,W,S), ECE610 Analog I C 3 Credit Hours, ECE612 Wireless Sensor Networks 3 Credit Hours. Pipelining, vector processing, and array processing techniques. Possible applications covered include speech synthesis, speech coding and speech recognition. It will cover battery basics, ultracapacitors, flywheels, and hybrid energy storage concepts. Topics include cyberspaces, techniques for generating virtual worlds in engineering applications, building blocks of virtual environments including hardware and software. Performance Analysis. Academic advising is primarily done by faculty advisors with expertise in the area and with the support of our knowledgeable graduate staff. Deterministic and nondeterministic finite state machine identification. These are partial lists and will be expanded and updated from time to time. Bayesian decision theory, discriminant functions and supervised learning. Three lecture hours per week. Students cannot receive credit for both ECE4881 and ECE588. Course includes lectures and case studies. Case studies and applications. Are you Xuan Zhou? Numbers and coding systems; Boolean algebra with application to logic systems; examples of digital logic circuits; simple machine language programming and Assembly and C/C+ programming language; microprocessors programming (both assembly and C/C+) for input/output, interrupts, and system design. It is a research-oriented course including a research literature survey, a final project implementing a state-of-the-art algorithm or system, and a set of hands-on assignments that cover modern tools and real-time embedded systems development frameworks such as the Robot Operating System. Introduction to linear spaces and operators; mathematical description of multiple input-output systems; state variables and state transition matrix; controllability and observability and its application to irreducible realization of transfer function matrices; state variable estimation; controller synthesis by state feedback; stability of linear systems; analysis of composite systems. 3135935498 (Work) Feature extraction and selection. Students desiring admission to the program must have earned a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. Associate processors. Case Studies will be presented to illustrate a variety of applications. Dynamic models of sensors and actuators. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is Graduate or DoctorateCan enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE524 Interactive Media 3 Credit Hours. Finally, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is required, in order to be eligible to receive the MSE (EE) degree. Starting with rigid body motion, we will learn a systematic way to describe a robot system that consists of multiple links connected through different kinds of joints. Selected multimedia applications will be discussed and students will be required to work on a project related to multimedia applications such as advertising and marketing, education and training, entertainment, medicine, surveillance, wearable computing, biometrics, and remote sensing. The online students have the opportunity to interact with the instructors and with fellow students (both on campus as well as online) through CANVAS. Formal models of operating systems. Must be taken in the first year) (F), ECE 580 Digital Signal Processing (F, W, SS), ECE 5831 Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks (W), ECE 529 Introduction to Computer Music (W 10), ECE 5121 Modeling & Design of Elec Cir. The course will focus on vehicular communications and networking, autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation systems, robotics networks, and smart grids. (F, W). Embedded specification and design techniques. Various hardware and software aspects will be introduces, with particular emphasis on the constraints intrinsic to such system. For additional academic information please contact the ECE office. Articulated body dynamics, contact modeling, and contact dynamics will be presented first. U-M Dearborn College of Engineering and Computer Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering. Students seeking transfer credit must abide by the criteria for transferring credit for masters programs as outlined on the Request for Graduate Transfer Credit application and in accordance with the campuss Transfer Credit Policy. The Master of Science in Human-Centered Design and Engineering requires a minimum of 31 graduate credit hours. (F), ECE 532 Auto Sensors and Actuators (F 08), ECE 533 Active Automotive Safety Systems (SS 09). Electrical engineering is a dynamic and progressive branch of the engineering profession which has pioneered the development of the modern science-oriented engineering curriculum. The MSE (EE), MSE (CE), and MSE (ESE) programs are designed so that graduates will have: a) a strong foundation the theoretical principles and techniques from science, engineering, and mathematics needed for advanced engineering design and development. Students are expected to be able to analyze and design electric drive systems for various applications including automotive power train applications. ECE591 Directed Studies 1 to 3 Credit Hours. (Tag: Tools). By learning and understanding the working vocabulary of each of these three fields, students will be able to contribute creative and effective multimedia-based solutions to interesting real-world problems. Standard software engineering documents must be prepared and approved at each phase of the project, and an oral presentation of the project is required. UM Dearborn is a moderately-sized public university located in the midsize city of Dearborn. Simulating machine and process operations. Three lecture hours per week. Three lecture hours per week. Advisory prerequisite: Basic understanding of power systems and machine learning. Three lecture hours per week. (YR), This course covers two major aspects of humanoid robots, locomotion and manipulation. Students are expected to earn a B or better in every graduate course to be credited toward the degree requirements, however, a maximum of two grades of B- will be accepted. Kinematics will include forward and inverse kinematics and their analytical and constraints. How speech is produced from the human vocal system and the different types of basic speech sound components is addressed, followed by methods to analyze speech signals in both the time domain and frequency domain. & Sys. The Integrative Systems + Design Division offers the opportunity for students to achieve INCOSE certification. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Graduate or or DoctorateCan enroll if Major is Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Sys Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, ECE5425 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 3 Credit Hours. This includes such things as motors, transistors, integrated circuits, and lasers as well as larger physical systems for which these are components: electrical power generating and distribution systems, communication networks, and computers. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is required in order to be eligible to receive the MSE (EE) degree. Students are expected to have knowledge of MATLAB or C/C++ programming and will be required to accomplish a course-related project. An in-depth study of selected topics in design and development of virtual systems in industrial environments. ECE571 Switching Theory 3 Credit Hours. Additional cognate options may be approved by the ECE department. Students may complete the professional elective requirements in several ways: Students are required to select 6 credit hours of graduate-level courses from other non-ECE engineering disciplines, such as: Students may also select any 500-level course from the mathematics & statistics department (MATH, STAT), excluding math subject courses for educators (MATH 508, 5386, 5387, 543, 544, 5440, 5441, 5442, 5443, 5445, 545, 546, 549, 586, 591). This course provides students with hands-on experience through computer-based simulation projects. U-M Dearborn College of Engineering and Computer Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering. The course is to introduce a design methodology in an integrated system environment through case studies and design projects. Topics include ensemble techniques, multi-objective optimization, and intelligent agents. This courses introduces basic components of robotic systems, selection of coordinate frames, homogeneous transformations, solutions to kinematics of manipulators, velocity and force/torque relations, dynamic equations using Euler-Lagrange formulation, obstacle avoidance and motion planning, classical controllers for manipulators and controller design using torque method, and robot simulation tools. Whether in the design and construction of systems to televise pictures from the planets or to insure the reliable completion of a phone call to a next-door neighbor, whether to map the geography and the resources of the earth from a satellite or to display harmlessly the internal anatomy of a living being for medical diagnosis, electrical engineering is intimately involved with almost every realm of human endeavor. Students with inadequate background in Electrical/Computer Engineering may be required to meet with the department graduate advisor to determine the need for preparatory courses. Effect of tolerances of circuit elements on the performance of the circuit behavior will be analyzed. Operating systems for parallel architectures. ECE530 Energy Storage Systems 3 Credit Hours. Students will gain understanding of the language, formalism, and methods of pattern recognition. Review of representative electronic devices and illustrative applications. Cloud computing represents the emerging Internet-based services/platforms with elastic and scalable computation powers operating at costs associated with service. ESS (especially batter) management, power electronics in HESS and motor drive, HEV component optimization, HIL and SIL, vehicle power management future trends, and so on. Rapid prototyping requires a good quality 3D CAD system. ECE798 Doctoral Seminar 0 Credit Hours, After attaining candidacy, every Ph.D. student is required to attend and actively participate in research seminars given by CECS Deans office or individual departments in CECS. Characterization of complete and incomplete machines, decomposition and state assignment problems. Three lectures hours per week. Lead acid, nickel metal hydride, and lithium ion batteries will be covered. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or GraduateCan enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE642 Robotic Embed Sys 3 Credit Hours, Full Course Title: Robotic Embedded Systems . Topics include fuzzy set theory, applications to image processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, computer hardware design, and control systems. Embedded network systems merge modern communications, networks, sensing, distributed control and mobile computing enabling novel applications in a broad area of control, automation, and distributed real time systems. EECS at Michigan Established. Memory architecture and memory structures of digital signal processors are examined. digital controllers, diagnostic systems. Students may complete the professional elective in several ways: (1) Elect the thesis ECE 699 (6 hours) to work under the supervision of a faculty advisor, (2) Take direct study by ECE 591 (3 credits), and one EE courses at graduate level, (3) take two EE courses listed in II. The course will cover topics such as resonant converters, vector control, field oriented control, battery chargers, vehicle to grid management, power factor correction and harmonic control, model predictive control, renewable energy systems (solar, wind and ocean) and their requirement for power converters, electric drive transportation components, silicon carbide power devices. These may include data structures, algorithm complexity, personal software development process, team software process, Six sigma, DFSS, software techniques, software engineering application, and software design. Overall, an MS Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan . Modeling and simulation will also be covered. Integrated circuit processing, bonding and packaging. Three lecture hours per week. It is also concerned with the flow of electricity in the human body and with the transmission of signals between planets. General Curriculum Requirements and Sample Course Sequences Electrical Engineering Core Curriculum Chart Electrical and Computer Engineering 2050 - Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems Building 4901 Evergreen Road Dearborn, MI 48128 View on Map Phone: 313-593-5420 Office Hours Sunday: Closed Monday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm (F), Restriction(s): Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE502 Electromag Theory & Simul 3 Credit Hours. Students whose undergraduate background is in a field other than Electrical or Computer Engineering may be given conditional admission and required to take preparatory courses in electrical and/or computer engineering. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE5001 Analytic and Comp Math 3 Credit Hours, Full Title: Analytical and Computational Mathematics This course introduces important theory and modern technology in robot vision. The purpose of this course is to let students get familiar with the traditional mathematical description of a robotic system and understand fundamental concepts and principles in robotics, to enable students to derive equations of motion for robotic systems, analyze their kinematic and dynamic properties, and design control strategies, and also to have students gain knowledge and experience about commonly-used robotic systems and mechanisms. Applications of speech processing are also presented. Reliability & Fault Tolerance. Jobs: Most of the recruiters coming to Michigan are looking for electrical engineers, and are willing to pay them among the highest salaries. Special topics on product testing, reliability assurance, accelerated reliability testing, product lifetime models, and automotive environments will also be addressed. Classification of electromagnetic environments will also be discussed. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Major is Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer & Information Science, ECE572 Sequential Machines 3 Credit Hours. In depth study of the principles, algorithms, techniques, protocols and applications of embedded security, including secure software development, light weight cryptographic algorithms, information security protocols for embedded applications, tamper detection, automotive security, embedded network transactions, and other emerging embedded applications in the areas of loT and cyber-physical systems will be covered. The ECE Department offers an evening program of 30 credit hours, leading to the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering). The course will cover topics such as electrified powertrain configurations. The course will develop fundamental understandings for the behavior of these devices. Channel models, signal generation and reception are explored. Three lecture hours per week. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Major is Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, ECE5251 MM Design Tools I 3 Credit Hours. Three lecture hours per week. Three lecture hours per week. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Among the leading departments of its kind in the nation, EECS is creating the technology that puts the "smart" into electronics. The topics covered in this course include DC machines, permanent magnet AC machines, induction machines, and switched reluctance motors and drives. Examples of current protocols and architectures of wireless data and voice networks are studied. Overview of embedded operating systems, cross-development techniques & tools. Michigan Engineering | University of Michigan 1221 Beal Avenue. programs accept students for both part-time and full-time study. Topics include a survey of embedded software Mechatronics, as an engineering discipline, is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, control engineering, and computer science, all integrated through the design process. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is Specialist or Graduate or Doctorate, ECE539 Production of Elec Prods 3 Credit Hours. | Learn more . Control will include the classic PID control, position and force control, and trajectory tracking. ECE681 Adv Digital Sig Processing 3 Credit Hours. Additional cognate options may be approved by the ECE department. Students complete a minimum of 125 curriculum hours and receive a bachelor of science in engineering (BSE) degree in electrical engineering. University of Michigan--Dearborn Engineering School Overview Dearborn, MI Explore Map The College of Engineering and Computer Science at University of Michigan--Dearborn has a rolling. Associate Professor. Applications of PR. The course is intended to provide an overview of information security, CPS security, risk assessment and mitigation, network security, attack-resiliency for bulk power systems, attack surface analysis and reduction techniques, cyber-security testbeds, security standards and best practices for critical infrastructure, e.g., smart power grids. Three lecture hours per week. Introduction to interactive techniques in PR. Courses in which grades of C- or below are earned cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements. In depth study of advanced technologies in computer networks and wireless communications. Students cannot take both ECE428 and ECE528 for degree credit. Students admitted to the program are required to take courses as specified below. ECE650 Info Theory in Elec Comm 3 Credit Hours. Please note that beginning in Fall 2015, all freshmen must follow theDearborn Discovery Core (DDC)requirements. Random Variables using probability density and distribution functions, functions of a random variable, and lithium ion will... Courses in which grades of C- or below are earned can not take ECE428! Using probability density and distribution functions university of michigan dearborn electrical engineering curriculum functions of a random variable, and image processing, instrumentation and! Supervised learning techniques & tools the course period computer-based simulation projects understanding of power systems and machine.... Examples of current protocols and architectures of wireless data and voice networks are studied concerned the. Computer Engineering e-mail, prior to registering costs associated with service selections with the transmission signals... 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