tequila fermentation process

During the fermentation, the yeast will convert the sugar of the diluted mosto into alcohol. But the time involved can still be relatively long (between 36 72 hours). Here is more information about each one of these steps: 1. So, when choosing tequilas to celebrate National Tequila Day (or any tequila day, really) you may want to keep these factors in mind. fermentation time, and, most importantly, the period of aging desired. 3 Amigos Tequila fermentation process begins with small amounts of yeast that is added to the extracted sugars that are fused in large stainless steel tanks to start and control the fermentation process. The most important flavors introduced during fermentation are complex alcohols and esters. Grinding: Physical separation of alcohol and water. He said that the aggressiveness of the shredder/milling would break the fibers and cause the cellulose to produce so much more methanol and superior alcohols during fermentation, that it would necessitate cutting the heads. . 100% Agamiel tequila is made only from blue Agamiel tequila, which is free of added sugars. In cooler months, the process takes a little longer. The fermentation process is the key to producing tequila's unique flavor and aroma. Herradura uses a 100% natural fermentation process. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". THE PROCESS Crafting COA de Jima Tequila COA de Jima Tequila is the result of the time-honored process of crafting quality tequila. We are Grover and Scarlet, tequila fans who just cant seem to get enough of tequila. Modern tequila production begins with the traditional method of harvesting the blue agave plant. Some fibers are broken in the process, but not as much as the roller. I think it would also be interesting to further restrict the analysis to blancos for us purists. They feel that their gentle maceration with a tahona, let's them end up well below industry standards at this stage, so they are able to retain more complex and natural flavors. All plants are cut by hand, no machines in sight, and a very sharp coa de jima (similar to a machete) is used to clean up the plant and reveal the heart. Usually poured on its own, tequila is also mixed in cocktails like the famous margarita, the tangy paloma, or the spicy sangrita. Usually the liquid is filtered into small tanks to remove any excess solids and remaining fibers, before starting distillation. "One of the things I love about tequila is that many brands are still using natural fermentation methods. Most producers make the tequila at about 55-60% alcohol (110-120 proof), and dilute it with de-mineralized water to the desired proof 35-40% abv** (alcohol by volume). Some products made by Herradura are said to use this process. . Many connoisseurs say that triple distillation removes too much of the agave taste, and I agree with that. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The ability to make alcohol at home is a process that has been around for centuries, and active dry yeast is one of the most common ingredients used to create ethanol. Extra-aejo tequila: Tequila aged at least three years in oak barrels of no more than 600 liters. prevent and help treat . Will you write one that speaks to the fermentation process? FERMENTATION. Get the full picture of your on-premise performance in any market or on any menu with Overproofs Menu Analysis. The object is to collect the vapors of alcohol, chill them, so they turn back into liquid and collect the alcohol from the still. Originally, tequila producers would bake pias in large pits containing rocks to hold in the heat. Opening the door of an autoclave at the Productos Regionales de Atotonilco distillery (NOM 1526). Its production consists of harvesting the agave, pilling the agave leaves, cooking the agaves heads, milling and extracting the agave juice, and the subsequent fermentation, distillation and tequila aging processes [10, 11].One specific characteristic of the tequila 100% agave production is that Agave tequilana Weber blue . The next step is milling, to squeeze and shred the cooked pinas to get some juice to ferment. Many distilleries use large, often stainless steel tanks of up to 100,00 litres, as a larger body of liquid will not heat or cool as quickly as a smaller one. . The agave harvest is hard work and the jimadores who work the field and pry each plant from the ground make quick work of the job. One larger spike reaches out from the tips of each leaf and this one is definitely not blunt. This involves placing the mosoto and yeast in wooden barrels or stainless steel tanks for anywhere from 3-12 days. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. help control blood sugar levels and prevent type 2 diabetes. In the tequila industry, fermentation is traditionally achieved at sugar concentrations ranging from 50 to 100 g x L(-1). Many mass produced tequilas are fermented . Required fields are marked *. Most distillers throw away the heads and tails because these hold the majorityof the impurities. In most cases a shredder/roller procedure is used, or sometimes a tahona is used to crush or extract. Where a batch of tequila goes after the still room is determined by the final product it is destined to be. They used a process similar to modern producers and would extract and ferment the agaves sap. This keeps the drink from having these potential benefits ( 1 ). The tahona at the old Herradura distillery / Photo Credit: Omar Santamara. Next, the pia needs to be baked so that the sugars can be extracted. Often but not always, Tequila sold in Mexico is sold at 35-38% abv, but all imports to the US must be 40% abv (80 proof). Excelent Article ! For tequila 100% (100% agave sugars), fermentation will utilize only the agave-derived juices. Advanced search features within the TequilaMatchmaker.com website. For a distillate to be termed a tequila at least 51% of the fermentable sugars in the mosto must originate from agave. We proudly pour each crystal clear bottle of Ave giving our signature aroma with hints of citrus, and sweet agave. TheblueWeber agave (Agave tequilana)is the only agave used in all tequila, and bottles marked with the seal '100% Weber Blue Agave' are the purest tequilas you will find. Diffuser/Roller Mill (73.19): A diffuser used in conjunction with a roller mill happens when the diffuser is used after cooking with heat. Another example is the Phenols, which cause the spicy and sometimes medicinal notes. During fermentation, the alcohol content of the tequila increases and the flavor and aroma of the tequila develop. At 95C other components start to vaporize. In the fermentation room, the process of making tequila mirrors every other distilled spirit. Tequila is produced in municipalities located in Guanajuato, Michoacan, Nayarit, Tamaulipas and any agave spirits produced outside these areas are designated as mezcal.What are the steps to producing tequila? This is the same method used by agave nectar producers. After fermentation the wort (juice) has a low alcohol level of about 4% and not normally higher than 7%, so it's like beer. This owner/distiller explained to me that "you have to remember, unique to tequila and unlike other spirits, the heads at beginning of the distillation brings the superior alcohols, and the methanol is coming at the end with the tails. After the mosoto has fermented, it needs to be distilled, which is a process that not only purifies the liquid, but also creates a higher alcohol concentration. As with other spirits, the subtleties of different tequilas come down to different variables in the production process. It is common practice for distillers to redistill only the heart of the distillate that is captured in the flask. Today, a mechanical shredder can be used to expedite this process, but some producers prefer to use a stone wheel, known as a tahona, to crush and juice the pia. In this blog I will talk about the intimate relationship that exists between the formulation of musts for Tequila and the conditions that favor or hinder a good-quality fermentation. Distillation This gives it more body and a silky texture. While it can be served over ice with a twist of lime, it is most often used to make cocktails, like a classic tequila sunrise. They are more expensive than a still made of stainless steel, and they will wear out over time. Each pia can weigh anywhere from 50-150 pounds and is loaded into the oven when fresh. You can do your own research on the brands youre interested in by using the new advanced tequila search tool available on our website, which uncovers the processes behind each bottle of tequila. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How is Tequila Made? These are the two essential tequila classifications: The regulations enforced by the Tequila Regulatory Council are quite detailed and complex because this tight control ensures that every tequila leaving Mexico meets certain standards. Essentially, there are five different types of tequila. Your email address will not be published. It is a key contributor to Casa Sauza's tequilas. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. About 15% of water is added in but not much more, or the yeasts won't do their thing. For instance, they may add caramel extract during the tequila production process to enhance the color or oak extract for a more aged flavor. The tequila is then infused with natural flavors and reduced to 70 proof for an easy drinking . It's made with agave plants grown and harvested in the Altos de Jalisco region, in Arandas Jalisco, Mexico. Harvest the agave. Who Owns DeLeon . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. During the tequila production process for blanco tequila, it is distilled from blue Weber agave grown in Jalisco, one of five different western states in Mexico. The 'heart' has a balance of all the different components, but in lower concentration (Aldehydes, Esthers, Methanol and Higher Alcohols). Of course, distillers have always appreciated the functional role that yeast playsspirits could not exist without it. The production of tequila is divided into seven steps: harvesting, cooking, fermentation, distillation, aging and bottling. Autoclaves at Cazadores have been modified to allow boiling of liquid coming from a diffuser. Autoclave (post diffuser) (70.82): Heres where it gets interesting. must fermentation and usually rely on spontaneous or pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain inoculation. Autoclave/Brick Oven combination (72.42): Some products will mix their processes to achieve a particular flavor profile. You have to be real accurate, have faith in your ability and your equipment, to end up right at or near 40% abv/80 proof. It's the process of purifying a liquid, as you start with the fermented tequila and heat the liquid. The geographical origin is what distinguishes the spirit from all the other agave-based liqueurs produced throughout the world. Distilleries will use either wood or stainless steel fermentation tanks, a strict ratio of water to mosto, and often proprietary strains of yeast (some passed down for generations). The effect of yeast strain, the agave age and the cultivation field location of agave were evaluated using kinetic parameters and volatile compound production in the tequila fermentation process. Diffuser (59.41): By far the lowest scoring products are those that convert their products using the diffuser alone, without the use of heat. Some brands prefer to produce (ferment) only during winter months, to ensure optimal quality, as cold temperatures keep the yeast alive longer while the sugars are converted into alcohol, but it takes longer. I know Camarena does this with his El Tesoro line. Hey, we're all about being social! The whole tequila process starts when small agaves (hijuelos) are planted and grown for several years, usually between 5 and 7 years. Often called. For those who enjoy a margarita, a blanco tequila is usually the way to go. Agave fields are everywhere in Jalisco and come harvest time, you will see in the jimadores (field workers) removing what looks like a giant, spiky pineapple from the ground. Originally, tequila producers would bake pias in large pits containing rocks to hold in the heat. About 15% of water is added in but not much more, or the yeasts won't do their thing. Step 4 - Fermentation. In this case, its just a very efficient extraction tool. Up in Los Altos, or the highlands of Jalisco around the towns of Arandas and Jess Mara, you will find many of the lesser-known and what many consider more boutique brands of tequila. This is important because the size of the particles allowed into the fermentation process significantly influences the tequila's final taste. Roller Mill (79.68): This is a highly efficient continuous process used by a majority of tequilas made today. This is a slower activity during which the yeast focus on converting sugar to alcohol, rather that increasing the number of yeast cells. It all starts with planting Weber Blue Agave in the rich volcanic soil of the Los Altos de Jalisco, deep in the heart of Mexico's famous agave Highland region. Want to know more? The middle part is called the 'heart' or Corazon, and this is the desired area. 'the sweet spot', and it is saved for the second distillation. Distillation normally occurs in the 'Alambique', also known as 'pot stills' (See Above), which consists of three parts- the 'cucurbit' (the stack), the 'still pot' (containing the liquid to be distilled, which is heated by a flame) and the 'head' or 'cap', which fits over the mouth of the cucurbit, (connected by the anbik section) to receive the vapors, and is attached to a downward-sloping 'tube' leading to the 'receiver' container. In those cases, their process is simply marked as diffuser.. Tequila production is a complex and artful process, as there's more to the expressions than meets the eye. For this reason, there is usually some level of copper somewhere in the process, even if it is a small part. Is the process where the alcohol is separated from the fermented wort (mosto). As mentioned above, more methanol is created during this process because fibers are torn or broken. Stay away from Diffuser made Tequila. However, it is important to remember that brands can include additives in products that are labeled tequila. Tequila started as an agave-based alcoholic drink that was made by the Aztecs and used in a variety of important ceremonies. Hand Crushed (86.71): There is currently only one product in our database using this method, and its the same one that cooks agave in an earthen pit: Siembra Valles Ancestral. This liquid, called aguamiel, is then fermented and distilled. The large fermentation tanks at Cazadores fill an entire building and the yeast is treated to classical music which blares from wall-mounted speakers. Copper pot stills inside of the El Pandillo tequila distillery, located in Jesus Maria, Jalisco. It is the same process used to make other alcoholic beverages, including liquors, and it . The result has about 55% alcohol and is then considered 'Tequila'. All tequila is clear right after distillation and any color comes later, from aging in wooden barrels or from additives like caramel (in mixto) or colorings. used as yeasts in the fermentation process. When acid is used during the conversion process, it can take as little as 4 hours to complete. Sometimes a brand uses a combination of stainless or copper for the first distillation, followed by a column still for the remainder. In the fermentation room, the process of making tequila mirrors every other distilled spirit. temperature, sunlight, fermentation process and each distillery has its . Natural occurring yeast is added to the 'wort' or agave juice and 'beer' is created containing an alcohol content of between 5 and 9 percent alcohol/volume. This unrushed process and attention to detail results in a superior quality tequila. Other spirits can be made from other types of agave and even combine several different agaves in one product. The single-cell organism, which multiplies vigorously in the presence of oxygen, is essential to the fermentation process that precedes distillation. Among those is the Olmeca Distillery where Tequila Tezon is produced, Tequila Tapatio, the producers of El Tesoro de Don Felipe, as well as the distillery producing Patron Tequila. Tequila and mezcal is all about flavor, and some of these flavors are created during the fermentation phase of the process. Natural airborne fermentation allows the airborne yeasts to ferment the wort without adding any other yeasts, but there is more of a chance of having contamination as this 'natural fermentation' can receive bacteria through the air as well. The must (mosto) is left to ferment but unfortunately some modern distilleries use synthetic yeast, sometimes with chemicals, to 'accelerate' the yeast growth, and fermentation only takes two to three days. Theyre easier to clean and are more efficient. Once it is unearthed, this big, white bulb will be baked and juiced at the distillery. Today's tahonas are operated either by tractors or a central engine that slowly moves the arm attached to the wheel around the pit, but they require a worker or two to work the pit as the 2-ton wheel crushes the agave. Restaurants and bars can use this as training material. I would like to thank all the companies and people who took these pictures and charts, which are readily available on the internet. A modern descendant of the alembic is the pot still, used to produce distilled beverages, and is usually copper or stainless steel. This single step does not consign one to a bad tequila. Production process comprises four steps: cooking to hydrolyze inulin into fructose, milling to extract the sugars, fermentation with a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to convert the sugars into ethanol and organoleptic compounds, and, finally, a two-step distillation process. During the process, the syrup is naturally fermented by its own micro-organisms. The agave plant is harvested and the pias (large central cores) are cooked and crushed. Great article. Usually natural spring water is added to increase the flow of the agave juices, known as honey water or aguamiel. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. That is why blanco tequilas are crystal clear (they do not touch wood), reposado tequilas have a golden color, and aejo tequilas get an amber hue. . Some well-known brands using brick ovens include Fortaleza, Siete Leguas, Patron, Tequila Ocho, Olmeca Altos, and G4. Official Mexican Standard for Tequila NOM-006-SCFI-2005. None of these results surprise me. Traditional tequila processes begin by cooking agaves to convert their starches to sugars. The first distillation is called 'Ordinario', and after the second distillation the liquid is called 'Tequila'. Most fermentation pots are wood pipons or open stainless steel vats, but other types like cement or clay can be used. Fermentation generally has two stages, the first is aerobic, where oxygen is present, and is a very rapid process where the yeast double it's colony size every four hours. This process takes a long time, and is less common, but results in lower levels of methanol. 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