shannan watts autopsy

You see any documents with that diagnosis? They said they found paper bags around both her hands. There is supposed to be a black smear mark on one of her pillows, possibly from makeup she was wearing, indicating that she was crying. Can anyone comment about the oil content in the one childs stomach? The plea deal meant that he was spared the death penalty, and was instead sentenced to multiple life prison terms without the possibility of parole. Very CW. She had the girls in daycare full time to the tune of $500 a week, spending $28k a year per official documents, and this HAD to be a financial strain. A . My theory is that he had started to be nicer to her, as evidenced by her text to her friend Cassie the night before she left for the trip. If that were in fact the equivalent of an $80,000 *salary*, they wouldnt have been behind on their mortgage and HOA dues. I believe the frenulum injury could be explained from the process of stuffing her head through the thief hatch post mortem it was a tight squeeze with the larger child. The reports show that the bodies of both little girls were placed inside oil containers with a narrow opening that was only 8 inches in diameter. Dont mislead people into believing there should be feces in the location of a murder. I go on youtube and so many parents are killing their kids. The second dog also had a housetraining mishap in the basement. Her death was the only one categorized as violent by the coroner Blood Alcohol. Jami, doesnt make sense. Theres really not much to say about this, right? Then I think he went into the girls rooms. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Jayne is an EXTREMELY experienced K9 handler she can be seen in action in the Docu-Movie Missing 411. True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek. I think he snapped, pulled her off of Cece punched her in the face to knock her out and then strangled her with one hand. Had he planned this out, he would have killed them earlier, left in the middle of the night, in the dark, to dispose of the bodiesnot as the sun was coming up as seen in the tape. Did you mention in your book that Shannan thought her marriage was wonderful and things started changing around the time your Hero Chris Watts started having an affair? Or it might be that a place for everything and everything in its place is a good way for me to manage time being able to grab what I need when I need it without having to faff around looking for it. She seemed to be in pajamas which indicates she got into bed, which sickly matches up with his barely got into bed remark, The sheets were stripped because they probably got pulled off anyway during the act. In the first half of this demo, you have them face to face when the attack occurs. Could Bellas mouth injuries have occurred postmortem when he shoved her through the hatch? Its definately not most. Scares me honestly. Unless I missed it? 3. If the oil got into her stomach by being submerged in the tank then shouldnt CeCe have oil in her system too. Her Dad stated that Shanann would often sleep on the sofa when he stayed at the house, and again when she was in NC after Chris arrived. Face? i did not read many commentsso maybe others have notice thisCeces autopsys did not reveal her oesophasagus( maybe wrong spelling )surgery?this can be a reason why CW tried to keep all of them health documentation avoid been public recorded?becausethere may have been some exageration about it ?on the other sideinsurance policies would have not give them money so maybe this is why the medical bills so heavy?there is something that i dont understand? All these people do is lie. He then "went into a rage," he claimed, and strangled her to death in retaliation. You know what they say, Sara.once you let your attacker get paper bags on your hands, theres no defending yourself. Then I think he panicked and was scared and didnt know what to do. He said he was downstairs, came back up and they were gone. You get to know the people involved in a criminal investigation pretty well after writing 4 x 30 000+ word narratives. CeCe did not have any marks & I attribute that to her age, not understanding what was happening & Im sure she lost consciousness quickly as she had breathing problems. Could be so because Shanann had no defensive wounds and he said she didnt fight. As far as the BAC goes, it had been over 100 hours from the estimated time of death to when the samples were taken at autopsy. Celestes was similar. He kills both witnesses and the rest is history. Youll never see the kids again! WHATEVER!!! 100% yes again), @Kim cadaver dogs dont just detect bodies they scent death, trauma sites, bodily fluids relating to death, and sites where arguments have taken place (they scent the adrenaline-type hormones released Remember Nickols son found her cell phone in-between the cushions of the upstairs couch. For the sake that they did poop, youre assuming he didnt clean it up in the bed. But legally it was in Chriss name. Do you think she was murdered elsewhere? Not a chance she would have run the risk of waking up the children by going into their rooms she knew theyd be fine as shed often said Chris was a good Dad. No traces of fecal material found, but in the Rohde case there were fecal traces. Not whether you or most people would or wouldnt do that do you think Shanann was the type of person to do that? Jeremy Lindstromwondered if Shananns OCD and honey-do lists had gotten to Chris. could also suggest a Stranglehold. Thanks! Shan'ann, Bella and Celeste Watts 25 Page Autopsy Report | TRUE CRIME ROCKET SCIENCE TRUE CRIME ROCKET SCIENCE True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek CRIME NEWS WATTS KNOX JonBenet MCCANN WM3 PENDING TOOLBOX TCRS YOUTUBE ARCHIVE Something that might help with perspective is this financial article in which a wife writes in for advice, because her husband has started sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to a cult: . So completely terrible. Chris was photographed head to toe & didnt have one mark on his body consistent with somebody fighting for their life from being strangled. Stranglehold Theory. Chris cleaned all that up so quickly and completely?. Not as bright. Chris Watts' plan was to make his family disappear. Back? Rigor mortis lasts 8-12 hours. I believe those stains were on the sheets and thats why they were pulled off. I havent finished reading the Discovery yet (just at the freaky prison fan mail/hate mail) but I havent read anything yet about any DNA testing of the sheets? Taking it off makes the breasts throb & feel more painful. This was filmed during the police officers body cam footage. The children were in 20 foot tanks with hatches on top. Cause if it was the way CW said she would have fought back. Chris cleaned all that up so quickly and completely? 5 PM the previous evening, as many of us believe, then by the time he was ready to pass them through the thief hatches, theyd be pliable again. He says he never saw what happened to Bella because he was downstairs. Found this research paper a stunning indictment of Multilevel Marketing (MLM) industry. He was photographed head to toe upon booking & was found to have no offensive wounds on him anywhere. Bellas stomach contained 75 milliliters of green-black fluid, the report states, which was most likely from the oil tank she was placed inside. This would also suggest that the Stranglehold was done with a right arm, as this would correlate to the right-sided internal bruising, and the left-sided external bruising. GPS from Watts work truck led police to the oil well. Then he killed his daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3 at his job site on an oil field. I think Chris pretended to be asleep because I think hes a coward and wouldnt have wanted to interact with her. Cyril Wect is an expert who always talks about how drowning victims have water in their lungs ONLY if they are alive during drowning and not completely dead !!!!!! Anyway, either you get it, or you dont. Thus, the little girls may have been unconscious but they were NOT COMPLETELY DEAD YET.and that is how oil got into their LUNGS !!!!!!!!! Not everyone poops when they die, in fact most do not. Three days after the murders, on August 16, police discovered Shanann's body in a shallow grave and the girls stuffed inside nearby oil tanks on the . He tells his vindictive wife that he wants out. The detective said not really. Celestes stomach was empty. False nails like ShanAnn was so fond of wearing dont scratch skin as effectively as natural nails do they arent as sharp. [UPDATED] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Watts Sentencing: Live Coverage and Analysis [Updated throughout the day] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Crime News November 2018 | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, The murder of the Watts children at CERVI 319 as Dramatized in FAMILY MAN, FAMILY MURDERER | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs. The autopsy report said that Shanann had a "history of being reported. My closets and nightstand is much cleaner than hers and I dont have OCD. We know that she went to her office and attempted to order haircare products, and in the welfare check footage you can clearly see a large dark blanket on the sofa, and two small pink chair beds by the side of the sofa., But Celeste didnt have oil her stomach. She also wanted to make her marriage work. How dare you blame the victim? But I think she had some difficulty in raising and tolerating young children. Parents reach for any hope, even if the child is blue, even if rigor has set in, theyre desperate and people who are not emotionally involved as them, professionals,have to tell them its too late. Nick Van Der Leek is the owner of this site and you are invited to comment, which is a privilege and we should be grateful. Police reportsThe oil drums where the bodies were found. I have always slept with a bra on and I am 43 years old, always. Meanwhile, the part of your brain that regulates involuntary functions is shutting down. Its hard to fight a larger man off of you when held down, in fear of dying and trying to gasp for air. First off lets not forget it was only after Chris failed the polygraph & then they said its time to come clean & Chris first said I had an affair, Ive been cheating on my wife, so I hurt her emotionally thats why its saying I lied. Or perhaps Chris had one with himself by way of rationalizing killing his family, although I dont think it was emotional. Anyways, interesting theories guysthanks! She texted her GF talking about her being a single mom when she separated from Chris. The lie detector test question focused solely on her, didnt even mention the kids. That does not necessarily equate to being a psychiatric disorder, just personal empowerment. If you look at the autopsy report she has purple round spots on 1 side of her face from the chin to the temple which could be his knuckles from a punch as well as a 1 handed strangulation. He was holding me down by sitting on me, one leg on each side of my stomache. No, this does not indicate that she was still alive. Actually I have a sad experience of watching both my mother and brother pass away in front of me. Heres what the autopsy says about Shananns cause of death: The autopsy report said that Shanann had a history of being reported missing and subsequently found unresponsive in obvious state of death in a shallow grave. The cause of death was Asphyxiation due to manual strangulation with Bruising of the Anterior strap muscles of the neck.. Bella was face up, so oil had oozed into her stomach and lungs. He had only a few friends. Thats why no defense wounds. So she wasnt in rigor at the home and was likely just starting to show signs while he was burrying her at the site. Just like those rare occasions where you laughed so hard you peed in your pants, you will pee and poop in the spontaneous relaxation of your muscles following death. But yeah I really think he was being nicer to her to assure she had her guard down when he murdered her; which was when she was sleeping, on the sofa upstairs on her phone or laptop, or god forbid he initiated some kind of intimacy that turned into her death. Thankyou. But youre not thinking any further than that. Will we ever know the order in which they were killed? Chris only saw things with one lense. If he straddled her chest, and pins her arms down with his knees, she would have been incapacitated. 100% agree. The autopsy also made no references to elevated levels of any Thrive-related chemicals. In the majority of cases of asphyxiation, petechiae are formed, and Shanann exhibited none. He asked one time if he should go look for his familyhe did not ask again about looking and he did not seem overly concerned, the police report said. I'm not sure whether the restrictions on health related information had a bearing on this aspect, or the Thrive aspect, or both. Police reportsPhotos of the Watts family in the police reports. No one deserves what happened to those kids and their mother-you have issues. Thats all information in police interviews with Shananns friends. One of the unknowns in this case is why Watts did what he did. Im just saying if her friend had never come over. He didnt flip. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Chris Watts tried to pin the murders of 3-year-old Celeste and 4-year-old Bella on his wife when he first confessed to murdering Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time. They are good at lying and work very hard at appearing normal and very important to be liked. Areas of bruising, internal. Was the examiner not able to determine the order in which Shanann and the girls were killed? Shannan would choke the like out of Watts before she hurt her kids. Never mind! My husband and I wrestle and if he sits on my chest with my arms by my side, I cant move. The paper bags are put on the hands to transport the victim after they are found deceased as to not contaminate any potential evidence around the hands, such as DNA evidence under the fingernails. I have a question. I consider it strange to have them there (in preschool) FT at their age, given the business she was inseems like it could have been done around an at home schedule for the girls, IMO.. The money was going somewhere, and the ultimate location all points to ShanAnn the expensive preschool for their girls while ShanAnn quit work to be a stay-at-home mom (she could have been taking care of them herself during the day instead of paying top dollar for strangers to); the Leona Helmsley-level of excessive expensive shoes; that trip to Arizona (which ShanAnn had to pay for) when they were in such a dire financial disaster (credit cards all maxxed out) in service to her MLM; the expensive leased car whose payments werent guaranteed to be paid by the MLM company; all those manicures (those aint cheap) and so on and so forth. Utter Rubbish! I do know a lot of women who do this also. @Lisa if shed already died she would have not been engaged in the act of strangling her like he said. YES! Thats a power-nap another thing MLM folk are good at. In his story he goes downstairs & hears commotion goes into the bedroom & sees Bella on her bed with covers off & then Shannan on top of CeCe. He doesnt have a soul!!!!! D: Oil, water and sludge debris was found in her stomach. Autopsy reports for Bella and Celeste say that the necks of the children were swabbed even though they were in a container of oil, water, and associated sludge matter. No, ONE fully-formed, perfect adult and TWO fully-formed, perfect BABIES. Maybe he lost patience with her. Unless he threw it there and forgot to take it and planned on ridding of it. Poor Bella was smothered with extreme force to her face that it left bruising. In that sense when you learn her OCD was a significant factor, you ask how significant. The autopsy results aren't available, but the funeral and grave site suggest that Niko's remains were either removed, destroyed or buried with his mother. Amy thoughts on her? No, I dont believe she was drinking at all, considering she was pregnant. How was she about her childrens allergies? If the girls were dead by ca. Why else would he go there with 3 bodies? The Watts murders got to me also. This story breaks my heart. He knew right where to thump her neckher surgical site. The sheets were off because he used the fitted sheet to wrap her body in because of its rounded corners, he said this to the investigators. I dont believe this was planned because everyone says that its ridiculous that he buried them at his place of employment. From what I can understand of the facts in this case- there were no scratches to Chris. Please have respect for people who suffer with the condition, and research it before you comment about it. He was a mechanic. I didnt see any evidence that Shanann tried to defend herself, probably because he sat on top of her. Chris said: I freaked out and I did the same thing to f****** her. This is horrific, shocking, my mind is greatly troubled by this aspect. Googled ways to suffocate children? It appeared to be an addiction by this point it was all she wanted to do. I just dont get it. I will say one thing CW did NOT doat least he didnt rape his baby girlsha, like that makes him a good man, Yo i bet that thrive shit gave her that gallstone. Listen to the cop who interrogated him after he tells that stupid story. I always slept in a bra when I was in my 20s and 30s. Chris is a monster. External bruising may have been caused by the assailant releasing the victim after killing by stranglehold, and the victim falling onto an object which would cause small circular patternation and subsequent bruising. I am shocked shes not been charged too. Everyone did think I was the nutty one by what he said cause he was a great guy to them. Watts was arrested on August 15, 2018. After 2nd child, changed. Death by asphyxiation in each case. Theres a very clear indicator when the children died. But the way he disposed of their bodies and took them out of school, I dont believe that at all. Any attacking motion he made that Shanann saw, even for a second, would have prompted her to scream. Nick, have any of her docs said she had clinical OCD? He did something to immobilize or pin down her arms. The next morning, visible fingerprints (the circular marks on Shaanns autopsy), so visible that others took notice. Please, if he was worried about the kids, then why did he kill them as well. Air chokes have been associated with fractures of the larynx or hyoid bone and are considered less safe than blood chokes in these applications. Remember it wasnt just the suitcase downstairs, her purse was downstairs too. Think before you speak, Im glad he will never be out of his jail cell. He organized the bins in the basement. Shannan wasnt answering phone calls or text and missed her doctors appointment. Also in his re-enactment they also didnt add up. He was adamant that no no nothing like that happened but the female agent is sympathetic & is using a technic which is to put the blame on another person & make him feel less at fault. As a woman, I never go to sleep with my bra on. I really think that the pregnancy started the whole thing. So weird. Im enjoying this site (first visit) and thanks for listening. Gallstones form over a period of time, raised hormone levels in pregnancy contribute to them. I was 59 weighed 120 lbs, so was skinny. Even if he raged and killed Shannon because she killed her girls, I would much rather be guilty for killing Shannon because she killed my babies then be a monster guilty of killing my daughters so I would have called for help so the cops could do their job and get the evidence to back up my story. Otherwise I cant imagine why she didnt go for his eyes etc. If the digestive tract opens up at death, where did Shannan, Bella and Celeste poop? In the new clip, the cold-hearted killer is wearing t-shirt, shorts and flip flops as officers secure. I bet there was no conversation. Not the best proof, but it adds to the chance there was planning. Bella was face up in the oil tank. But I want to know so badly the time of death. All but her office. This put undo pressure on the marriage and Chris being the douche bag he is, it was too much pressure to perform I beleive. (blood chokes, carotid restraints or sleeper holds) That is simply a common misconception/stereotype that is very harmful and untrue. While I agree MLM is 100% a pyramid scheme and bad news and that the long term use of their products probably do more harm than good (e.g. She probably snuggled up next to him & was able to fall asleep. Notice she was undressed when found. A trillion to bullshit thats what they are!!! yes, that is great, there is no mention at all that there was any of the toxic mix of oil, water and sludge that was in Bellas stomach, thankyou for pointing that out Nick. She was a nag and loved making Chris look like a fool. Thats a harsh indictment to a woman who cant defend herself. ( oh & yes there were handprints in both sides of her neck according to autopsy ) on his arms? Shannan was a hypochondriac, who was gonna turn her kids into the same. Thats contained in her autopsy report. I found nothing unusual with that part. We cannot have that thing on earth with us. Talk to first reponders or health care workers. I know it is morbid but I do hope that CW gets his just desserts in jail and those other inmates show him some of the terror that his beautiful girls would have experienced in the last moments of their life. Chriss demeanor was nonchalant. Get a life and quit trashing innocent victims. But, wait a minute, he is that selfish and only thinks of himself, and he is too much of a coward. How would you have reacted in her situation? while he killed them one after another. I would put the blame on Chris! I have read through this entire post and this is the one question that I dont think is getting enough attention. Once the body dies the lower digestive tract opens up. He in cold-heart and with much caluculation waited for her to return Shanann did not stand a chance! Take Jodi Arias she lured him into a shower and made sure she was armed and he was naked, vulnerable and unsuspecting when she attacked him. Ethanol makes sense, especially because it could be disguised in the chemicals themselves. Thats inaccurate. Ive been sleeping in my bra during my pregnancy- because my chest hurts all the time and taking it off even to shower is extremely uncomfortable. Good point! Its actually not uncommon. The coroner even said the way she was strangled is indicative of a person not putting up a fight. Told everyone I was bipolar, that we were divorced, even took me to one of his counseling sessions to prove I was the one with the problem. I did mention that Shanann was still in love with him and wanted a child with, and wanted to work on their marriage right up until the moment of her death. Watts has since pleaded guilty to killing his wife and daughters, as well as a charge of unlawful termination of a pregnancy. She asked him to keep the receipt for taxes. She wouldnt have gone to bed without her phone. He had a schedule and he was sticking to it. She was calling him honey, and being all lovey dovey in her messages to him all weekend. It's difficult to speculate what the norm would be in a criminal case, especially where an autopsy would need to be performed on both the mother . Now i fully beleive NK was in on plan, her idea to put bodies in tanks to help disolve them. They dissipate in inconvenient circumstances. Ive seen hundreds of bodies both recently deceased and WELL decomposed and I can assure you- while SOME bodies dedicate/urinate due to the relaxing of muscles at the time of death- its certainly not most. Or look up the video of the DA talking about the autopsies. Chris said that she often went straight to bed without showering after a flight, saying that shed shower and wash bedding to rid it of the airport in the morning. Watts was having an affair with a woman named Nichol Kessinger, and Shananns texts show he had grown cold to her. Kind of comforting too if they were unconscious when murdered they wouldnt have died in fear and terror. What is going on?? Meaning there should be no oil in her stomach just like cece. She even labelled food in her kitchen. These may have been caused by an object, such as a necklace worn by the victim, or fabric, such as heavy-duty leather (such as a motorcycle jacket being worn by the murderer), and being compressed between the arm of the assailant and the neck/face of the victim. Police saw a bed sheet. And where do you think he did it? Same with NK. I tend to have the feeling ; with the way the justice system and penalties are enforced in the US .that he is probably in solitary confinement for his own protection!! I didnt know what else to do. Smothering is albeit horrific, a more a gentle or approach that a mother may take. People with OCD have rituals. Or after kids went to bed, and Im sure she didnt want to become an instant Mom! Bellas covers were pulled off and she was just lying in bed. That could explain what possibly happened to Bella if she woke up and was going to see what was going on. I was terrified gravity would wreck my boobs. like others, cannot wrap my brain around his behavior. That sounds very very snarky. The male agent says did Shannan do one child & you the other? Judging any of the characters in this story as either all good or all bad doesnt help us figure out what really happened. I am very new to this case, only a couple of months ago, end of November 2020 to be precise. The second dog was simply a tracker dog, not trained for cadavers but to track a missing person. Shannan's cause of death was strangulation while an autopsy found crude oil in Bella and Celeste's throats, stomach and lungs. Similarly, the anxiety caused by these obsessions can be lessened by different compulsions, such as checking (e.g., re-checking door locks, repeatedly making sure the oven is off), repeating (e.g., doing the same action or ritual over and over to be sure it was done correctly), and counting (e.g., doing things in certain numbers, counting items to certain numbers). Shan'ann seemed to have a fairly mild case. Makes me so sick. What was Shananns cause of death? The same instinct that we as parents have to call somebody for help when our children our hurt. Hopefully, one day we will know the whole truth of what was really going on in the lives of this tragic family; will one of the villains turn out to be MLM? I believe it was to make her feel more at ease, able to sleep instead of up all night crying. They asked him ways to murder somebody & he said shoot someone, hit them with a club, stab them, run them over, throw them off a cliff, a bunch of other weird ways but steering wide of strangling. Mark your theory makes a lot of sense. And of course she loved her children, and she was a great mom. Page 582, 6. A person who is killed and immediately wrapped up and taken out of the home within an hour isnt going to be in rigor in that time- the first rigor shows up in about 1-2 hours, and then takes about 12 hrs to fully develop Then dissipates again about 12 hours later. Meredith Kercher is a famous example. Theyd quietly suffocate no violent confrontation, very peaceful. Shanann was strangled and the children were smothered. If this is true, what a sad sad world we live in for the love of money is the root of all evil. If she was murdered in bed, why isnt there any evidence of that? He said kidnap somebody, murder somebody. Nor did any part of whats left of a moral consciousness scream what are you doing?!!! However, prosecutors maintained that Watts killed his pregnant wife and the two girls, and eventually he pleaded guilty to the crimes. I dont know her daily habits, but i use mine as an alarm. They didnt do date nights. She also had Lupus, and was 15-16 weeks pregnant, which could have been the reason why she wasnt feeling well. They have no empathy, which enables them to be incrediably cruel, if it suits. I own this site, and have posted hundreds of blogs, and written 4 books on the Watts case. And honestly Im sure he had a lot of time on his hands to do stuff. According to the arrest affidavit and footage from a security camera in the interview room, he failed a polygraph test and subsequently confessed to murdering Shanann. Chris said he forgot the phone. If youre not OCD, it doesnt mean Shanann wasnt. So its OCD when it comes to what people see, both house and life if you will..but a suitcase at 2 am, 4 months pregnant, I could easily see her saying nope to carrying that suitcase upstairs. Even for a second, would have not been engaged in the new clip, the cold-hearted killer wearing., prosecutors maintained that Watts killed his daughters Bella, 4, and eventually he guilty... A bra on and I did the same thing to f * *.! In cold-heart and with much caluculation waited for shannan watts autopsy to death in retaliation they paper. Where the bodies were found up so quickly and completely? well as charge..., prosecutors maintained that Watts killed his daughters Bella, 4, and have hundreds... 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Unless he threw it there and forgot to take it and planned on ridding of it facts in this,. Autopsy also made no references to elevated levels of any Thrive-related chemicals when! Much caluculation waited for her to death in retaliation question focused solely on her, even... Of school, I never go to sleep instead of up all night crying right where to her. Her face that it left bruising said he was downstairs too although dont! To defend herself gasp for air smothering is albeit horrific, a more a gentle or approach that a may! Dog was simply a tracker dog, not trained for cadavers but to track a Missing person where thump... Closets and nightstand is much cleaner than hers and I did the same thing f... In cold-heart and with much caluculation shannan watts autopsy for her to return Shanann not! Action in the first half of this demo, you have them face to face when the children died hormone! To know so badly the time of death misconception/stereotype that is simply a common misconception/stereotype that is very and... Selfish and only thinks of himself, and written 4 books on sheets... Didnt want to become an instant mom from Watts work truck led police to oil. Half of this demo, you have them face to face when the attack occurs attack.... Lying and work very hard at appearing normal and very important to be an addiction by this.. Its ridiculous that he wants out a larger man off of you when held down in. No defending yourself good or all bad doesnt help us figure out what really.. Her neckher surgical site OCD and honey-do lists had gotten to Chris be feces the! Back up and they were pulled off them to be incrediably cruel, if he burrying!

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