diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleas

Hi Natasha, I came across this site a few months ago when I was looking for a solution for the fleas that were in my home. Thanks. I have 3-4 week old kittens with fleas. Over the last couple of years, people have been blasted with such a large amount of different flea removal methods that its become difficult to determine whats best for your flea problem. I purchased a 5lb. My vet did not carry the bombs. I had bed bugs probably eight years ago and after researching and researching, found that DE kills them. Is is safe to put a small amount of DE (food grade) on Boo, directly on his fur?? Hope that helps! Im washing blankets, sheets, bedding, and vacuuming the couch very well every couple of days. Then for the two that were worst I touched the tip of my finger to the DE so it was very lightly dusted and rubbed behind their ears, on top of their heads, and on their chins where the comb doesnt reach well. . many thanks for reading this G, Hi G! We have a very small kitten that we found and bless his tiny heart he is covered in fleas. Hi Natasha I believe I purchased a non food grade DE from Home Depot (Safer brand 4 lb. If an individual is considering applying a product for pests, its always best to contact a pest-management professional. I recommend giving him a wash in dawn soap and warm water, brushing him real good and then applying a spot on treatment. Flea bites and infestations can lead to skin irritation, itchiness, and even infections. Thanks for the great tip! Ive recently experimented with using a power sprayer (think Wagner) for large area coverage in a very short amount of time (in our rental property) and had great success. Your best bet is to wash them gently in warm water and dawn soap, kills fleas instantly. Diatomaceous. I do think advice should be given to use an old second hand vacuum if possible, or the regular one if youre thinking of replacing it anyway. I dont usually apply it directly to pets but you can, let me know how it goes (I usually use a spot on). Given the circumstances with the pets skin, I dont feel comfortable recommending any product, your best bet will be to take it to the vet. Food grade is placed in seed storage facilities to dehydrate bugs from eating and reproducing in warehouses. Their health comes first which is why I chose Food Grade DE first Im bombing tomorrow with Hot Shot no mess, but it only kills live fleas. Fleas are fairly resilient and although they are less active during colder weather, it wont kill them in most situations. If you do use it this way, Falk recommends reapplying if after it rains or every few days in areas of high humidity. Just make sure its food grade and isnt infused with other stuff and it will be fine. How much did she put down lol? Natasha, many times you mentioned dawn dish soap for killing fleas on the animals. Recently acquired a new cat who seems to be a flea manufacturer. For outside infestations, I have recently been recommending either a lime treatment or for my readers to use beneficial nematodes to kill fleas in the yard. It has long been used in the control of fleas, bed bugs, ants, and other household pests. Adults find a healthy host and begin chowing down after a long winters nap. Is this safe to use? Can you please tell me if diatomaceous earth is harmful to good bugs as well? there are so many articles about the health benefits to humans. Secondly, when using the broom, it is all about small, mainly downwards movements. I was pounced on by many fleas while on the deck for just a couple minutes. According to Extension.org, it should be applied frequently (two to three times per week) to be used effectively on flea beetles. Hello Question can this diatomaceous earth food be used to give to my dog to prevent the ticks and fleas? In Ontario Canada feed supply stores carry it. Natasha, I got your email, thank you and I added you on FB and shared too. Before I read this I had the house sprayed and bombed yesterday by an exterminator. I get this question a lot, so I decided to add this into the article itself (lots of answers in the comments section if you want to read over them as well). I plan on using it indoors and outdoors. We recently rescued a choc lab that was going to be dumped at the shelter or the pound ! Hi Krissy, I am sure that it will work just as well, let me know how it goes. I dont have a flea or tick issue since I apply Frontline Plus to my 9 pound dog a couple of times during the summer (however, if DE could replace those chemicals, that would be my preference). The spores attach to the surface of the beetle, germinate, then infiltrate inside of the larvae and liquify its insides as a source of food for the fungus. I have a tile bathroom and have washed the bathroom rug 100 times! Naturally Im extremely paranoid and am doing all I can to kill them. DE can harm the Nematodes. Diatomaceous earth (DE) will make your garden look like it survived a flour bomb explosion, but it is a powerful organic weapon to have on hand when you're going to war with beetles, and various other insect pests. Hey Colleen, welcome back! Its pretty bad to say the least. Any ideas? We have a large non carpeted sun room where I can sequester the rabbit and keep him there with a childs gate. Is there any problem w/using both treatments one after the other that way? For example, that will probably not be under the stove but rather on carpets, your pets living areas, etc. Well, research shows that once the fleas come into contact with the powder, they usually die about 4 hours later. I wont be able to handle months of this, my stress will likely kill me and I cant afford costly options. Much appreciated, have a fantastic weekend, please share this with your friends! The problem, he says, is that homeowners will often misapply or over-apply it. The beetles come in some very fancy colors including black, greenish-black, brown, metallic, white-striped, or yellow and orange striped. Food grade of course. HELP PLEASE!!! Thank you in advance. I would like to expound a little further on this dish soap thing. Okay, gonna give this a try I have 3 cats, an old boy and 2 younger girls. as visibly we cant see them(bed bugs) and my both room mattresses have zipper covers / protectors ! All are bad at bathingwhen I try, I get scratched, bit, crying, and its exhausting. Hey Hope, thanks for your detailed comment, really helps me understand what needs to be done While I dont live in Canada, I have done a little research and I recommend you try Terra Greenhouses or Herbies, not too sure if they are near you. Some plants to consider intercropping include dill, bunching onions, or marigolds. . Thank you for all of the great information here. Hi Cathy! I have to go to the laundry Matt, after a hot wash and dry the clothes still have fleas in them. Even though the food-grade material is safe, wear a dust mask while applying diatomaceous earth to tomato plants. Thank you for your article! For those who are having the zombie fleas, using advantage II, comfortis, capstar, etc. Diatomaceous Earth is made of siliceous sedimentary rock crushed into tiny particles. At the moment I have 10 cats a dog & 6 guinea pigs . Now that is summertime, it seems they have come back, I just applied frontline again on all my dogs and treated the house with DE, unfortunately two of my dogs, the ones who had the worst results last year as to the skin problems, where the first to show signs of allergy again, hopefully it is controlled soon. The power of diatomaceous earth for killing fleas in the home and yard has been proven over the years and regardless of what you may have been told, it does work and its very effective. I read on one of the comments that you should only do a light dusting and vacuum the next day, then repeat every week for 4 weeks. Hi there!! in a few days, so will wash most of it away, and Ill reapply it more lightly next time but Im wondering if its bad if they breathe in some of the dust. Good luck! Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a powder made from the sediment of fossilized algae. We live on a farm having 3 dogs, 7 cats, and a pig named Petunia along with 47 goats. or anywhere else, so questions are how bad is the infestation and what do I need to do to get rid of them for good? Also, once I dust the house and carpets, how long should I wait to go back into the house without fleas jumping on my legs. I would just wipe the laminate with warm soapy water and then use DE on your carpets. you might try using a sho-vac (sometimes called a wet/dry vac). Patiently awaiting your reply. The powders work. Thanks for all the feedback! Hi Jess! Dig day arrived, and to our great annoyance, our spuds appeared to have been poked by a ballpoint pen, with dark holes spotting the otherwise beautiful tubers. Country fleas are as big as horses lol. Most people write, but never care about the people that are reading. Its so great to have a light at the end of the tunnel now. Thanks, Wm. Can you send it to me? Ive done some research on DE but having a hard time finding DE that is labeled FOOD GRADE. How could this be? My house, however, is not. Is there a brand that you can direct me to? My only concern is with my parrots, many products that are safe for animals arent so safe for birds due to their fragile respiratory system. If it gets wet you need to remove and make new tape to apply. If it says food grade then yes, it is safe. Hi Jon! D E seems to work but I dont want to ruin my expensive hoover. We did have a few questions that we cant seem to find answers for, though. Nematodes - Beneficial nematodes are a microscopic, worm-like organism that live in soil. Using DE heavily while the pets have been away. The local farm store didnt have pure so Ill have to order it if thats the case. I have finally gotten rid of the fleas in all infected parts of the house with bombs and then had my carpets professionally cleaned to make sure all residue was eliminated. I am also sprayed Zoecon Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray, 16 oz and all carpet and cloth couch. Hey Cheryl! 2. does DE work against roaches? Should the food grade DE b white, or is it more of an off white-tannish color with speckles? Hello! I have a 4 year old and I am 12 weeks pregnant. And I know they have fleas. i dont know WHAT HAPPENED!!!! Mind you, I have NEVER had bed bugs, so this was incredible scary and unexpected. Hi Kim, thanks for your suggestions, love them! Lastly, our bed. We recognize that amidst so many choices to buy Diatomaceous Earth Vs Nematodes For Fleas in the market, it can be perplexing and confusing to make the right pick. This little subterranean creature loves to feed on fleas, their eggs, and larvae. Sorry for the late response. Do exactly what you have planned except, dont go out and buy flea traps, just make them (info on this blog, check it out). Do you have any suggestions for us? But Im not sure. Hi there, thanks for the advice, I appreciate it . Regarding your hardwood floors, you can try leaving a few DIY flea traps out at night, they are very effective. I do not have a problem with just leaving this stuff down for several days (just me and hubby, minimum visitors so the disheveled looking house is no problem)If I just leave ithow long to make sure the new hatchlings get a dose? As long as it is not inhaled by people or pets, this substance is a safe way to manage fleas and other insects. This applies to food for livestock and pets. its certainly better than before ! I just got a nine week puppy and my yard has fleas, I have a canal in the backyard and also some stray cats, squirrels and opossum visit my yard. Glad I found this site. That form of diatomaceous earth is chemically treated and poses a risk to your respiratory system. Driving me crazy. Hello, Im caring for a small group of feral cats on my property. Hi CJ, thanks for helping Bonnie, much appreciated . Its disgusting and gross. Yes, it takes a while for the flea dirts to go. I CANNOT find ANYWHERE on the internet ANY demonstration on how to put this stuff down, or in what amount!! Please do, I am excited to hear your feedback! I moved all of the beds and made sure I got DE everywhere. I just sprinkled a lot of DE around my house. Because even though the article says its safe for lungs, the bag itself (Harris brand, food grade, 100% pure) says the dust can cause permanent lung damage and to wear an approved respirator and goggles and work area should be equipped with adequate dust collection or exhaust ventilation. I am lucky to find your so helpful information! I was recommended using DE, food grade of course, on a dog forum last year. As nearly as I can figure, the chigger larvae attach to her hair when she is in the yard. The diatomaceous earth powder works well in dry conditions. DE for the carpet. So, it takes me several hours to cover one room. Hi Kate! City girl moved to the country. Not tried using it for fleas but am about to start as a friends cat got infested and unfortunately some came with my friend when she visited and despite my 4 indoor cats being on Stronghold neck drops the fleas are just starting to appear. I wanted to plant grass so I tilled up the yard, pulled out all the weeds, and planted grass seed. At least then Id understand why theyd want to be in my home. I have seen you respond to others about it being ok to leave on couches and beds etc.. I have inspected my dog and I can only find one flea so far. Same thing might be happening with Advantage too. Long story short It didnt work, so I redid everything, still no grass. Hi George! Just make sure that she doesnt react to it. The dogs sleep on our bed. Yes, DE will work. Although I personally dont suggest you use DE as the primary method of killing fleas on your adult pets, it wont do any harm to them (besides the skin getting a little dry) and many of my readers have reported success in doing so. but i am desperate to try anything lol. They are inside outside cats, so if I get ride of the fleas, do I still have to keep on applying it on a regular basis, even after they are gone, or can I stop using it when they are gone, and start up again if they come back? This year, were infested. Then again in the morning Boo goes outside with other cats around, some are feral. 2. Had her drink one teaspoon mixed with chocolate milk (yes chocolate is bad but it was the only thing we could get her to drink) and when we woke up in the morning (within 8 hours of treatment) she was finally up and about again. Tomorrow Ill be blowing up the front yard with it, after first rain Ill attack lawn with dawn and sprayer. It is not effective for flea control when used in this manner and could potentially result in lung damage if inhaled, says Dr. Jennifer Coates, a veterinary writer, editor and consultant based in Fort Collins, Colorado. And I am finding that the labels I am reading says 100% pure freshwater DE is that what I want? Will my cat be safe around it? I was planning on dusting the rug, carpet and concrete then vacuuming up after 24 hours. It is now almost 24 hrs. I sprinkled this rather liberally throughout the house. The DE could be dusted around and under the bedroom furniture, especially under the bed. Have 3 cats, they have no fleas on their bodies d/t using Advantage II for cats, and I dont see any adults crawling around, but I do occasionally feel them crawling on me or in my hair. Or do I need a lamp that produces heat? using a broom and leave it down for 2-3 days. i have been vacumming daily but this is where most of our storage is that is used in house and or clothing in boxes is there anything else i should do so i can get rid of the fleas and make sure they dont populate? I use the warm soapy water and light every night, but Im only getting 10-15 fleas every morning. Plz help me; I recently had my male dog neutered & had to keep him inside for a few days & brought n our other dog as well but after bathing & treating them good. Should be alright but just make sure its not pool grade or anything like that. Ive used vinegar on our hair during shampoos. DO NOT add oil if treating cats! It cannot be used as a preventative measure unfortunately. We searched for them because I was bitten while doing laundry in the basement. Using broom made huge difference working it over floors. Just clean it up after a day or two, and preferably get yourself some food grade stuff. Cutting down the trees would be a bit of a shame but it would reduce the flea population so its really up to you. Had back surgery on 7/11 and thats when I began to realize there was a flea issue ( never had one before and dog is on advantage II large breed religiously, every three weeks now. Fot application on my carpets I used a small seive with a handle for hard to reach spots, and an old hand crank sifter, probably 50+ yrs old, and it worked beautifully depositing finely sifted powder on the larger areas. I work 10am to 7pm and so I cant vacuum very often? Id hate to have done all that for naught, especially since cleaning it up will be the big chore! Great blog and suggestions.. Have never had bed bugs ) and my both room mattresses have covers! House sprayed diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleas bombed yesterday by an exterminator a little further on this soap! A safe way to manage fleas and other household pests nematodes are a microscopic, worm-like organism that live soil... Some are feral, bit, crying, and other household pests heavily while the pets have been.!, have a 4 year old and I am sure that it will work just as well, me! Your suggestions, love them email, thank you for all of the beds and made I! 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