battlefield 3 best settings

The improvement from Low to Medium is quite obvious, while High adds more detail in turn, but any subsequent difference between High and Ultra is difficult to see. I'm not completely sure about this, but a RAM upgrade could help. If you are experiencing other performance issues, you can read our BF3 Troubleshooting Guide. rev2023.3.1.43269. At High these particle and lighting effects increase in complexity and volume, and Ultra sees a slight increase again. Fullscreen: If you want to run BF3 in a window on your Desktop, as opposed to taking up the entire screen, then select Off here. DICE has stated that Low is roughly equivalent to the console versions of BF3. Follow the instructions to save the two .htm files to your Program Files (x86)Origin GamesBattlefield 3pb folder. Version 12. Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation, Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. Enabling VSync removes tearing but aside from capping the framerate, it can also reduce your FPS by up to 50% or more, and importantly, introduce some mouse lag. All the screenshots were taken as the soldier was spinning around quickly from left to right. Motion Blur: This is a matter of personal preference and GPU capability. Otherwise the easiest way to guarantee the highest framerates, and to prevent any mouse lag, is to simply set Vertical Sync to Off. The available options are Low, Medium, High and Ultra, and at progressively higher levels the shadows in the game become softer, more detailed, and hence more realistic, at the cost of some performance. Within it is a dark gray window with arrows on its edges, indicating the maximum extent to which the Heads Up Display (HUD) elements, such as your compass and ammo counter, can be displayed on your screen. 100 GB. Additionally, you can select Auto which allows BF3 to attempt to automatically adjust the various settings to suit your system's detected specifications. However unlike MSAA, the implementation of FXAA means that the jagged outlines of everything are much smoother, including the foliage. Enemy icons are going to be the exact opposite as all of the other ones. The aim of this guide is to allow you to better understand and best utilize all of the configuration options available in Battlefield 3. For this reason custom is the recommended setting. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? This file is best edited using the built-in Windows Wordpad, which displays the file with more legible formatting. Textures: Medium/High-At high settings you won't notice textures popping in. If necessary experiment with your in-game settings until you see a reduction in such spikes. 4X Scope: 95. It shows your graphics card (GPU) usage as a green line, and your processor (CPU) usage as a yellow line. Game Version Used: R3. Medium to High has a slightly smaller but still major performance hit due in large part to HBAO being enabled. Sniper Scope: 20-30. i upgraded to a i5 2400k and now my gpu runs at 99% almost all of the time on bf3. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Some, such as. Replace 1 with 0 will disable triple buffering. However here you can set it more precisely, and it also allows you to use values above the maximum allowed on the slider (i.e. The text file that has some of your settings requires a HEX editor it is located in The Ultra Texture Quality setting for example is designed specifically for GPUs with 1.5GB or more of VRAM. Vertical Sync: Vertical Synchronization (VSync) is the synchronization of your graphics card and monitor's abilities to redraw an image on the screen a number of times each second, measured in Hz. I was so pumped for BF3 that I went out and bought two ATI 6870's. However less than 100 of these CVARS are unlocked, and fewer still have any impact on the multiplayer component of BF3. Another major drawback with this method is that it is performance intensive. He indicated that no settings are ever so low that they confer an advantage (e.g. For example, flick back and forth between the High FXAA shot and the 4x MSAA + High FXAA shot, and it's difficult to see much improvement coming from the addition of 4x MSAA. Don't let the name fool you, Hardcore mode is not only for veteran players. It also offers options which you otherwise couldn't tweak in-game.Realmwar. It is recommended that the Hint System be set to Yes initially, so that you become accustomed to the various actions possible and how to trigger them, especially if you are experimenting with different key bindings. These settings are used to reduce the load on the gpu hence keeping a constant above 60 fps to maintain the fluidity needed for an fps game.Download BF3 Settings Editor: about BF3 Settings Editor: Website:||My PC Specs are: Intel Core i5-3570k - Gigabyte GTX 660 OC Windforce - 8 GB Corsair Vengeance RAM - Z77-DS3H Motherboard.||Music Used: BF3 Honor by Christian ReindlCheck it out @||Tags:Battlefield 4 EA DICE Activision Modern Warfare See the Advanced Tweaking section if you want to set a custom FOV value. The default is 70 degrees, and here you can select any value between 60 and 90 degrees. Medium brings further improvement, which we can detect most clearly on the lamp post to the left. While there are plenty of other variables you can experiment with, keep in mind once again that DICE has specifically prevented any variables which alter aspects of the game that would make it unfair to other players. 2) Browse available servers When you enter the server browser, you will se a list of all available servers based on your filter settings. Due to the PS4 system update, all PS4 user. need to check the Communication Method. DirectX: Version 12. Powerful new features. Enemy Icon Opacity - 100 Enemy Icon Opacity (Zoomed) - 100 18. Please enable Javascript in order to access all the functionality of this web site. You can try values of 0, 1, 2 or 3 - higher values may improve FPS but can decrease responsiveness, while lower values do the reverse. This article was posted a while back and upon reading it I made a list of my suggested video settings to make the game look best and achieve optimal frame rate. However higher resolutions also generate an increased load on your system, particularly your graphics card, and hence can reduce your overall performance. If after a period of gameplay on your favorite servers you don't notice any jerkiness in friendly or enemy movements, then lower it slightly again. Updated: December 6th, 2011. The screenshots above have all been taken with Antialiasing Post at Off so as to only highlight the impact of Antialiasing Deferred. If you notice that your system is constantly stuttering or momentarily freezing, or you frequently see textures being streamed in while you're moving around, then lower Texture Quality to see if this helps reduce the issue. You can switch your weapon mode from full automatic to single shot and back at any time (default is V key). Since GeForce Experience was released, the OPS section of the website has been taken down. Bullet spread and hence accuracy in BF3 is greatly dependent on whether you are firing from the hip (highly inaccurate); crouching (more accurate); or prone (highly accurate). Terrain: Low- Similar to Effects, not much difference between low and ultra. Vehicle Mouse Sensitivity: This slider is independent of the general Mouse Sensitivity slider and controls the sensitivity of mouse movements only when you are in a vehicle. 100 GB. Fullscreen Resolution: This determines the Resolution of the game image, measured by the number of pixels horizontally and vertically (e.g. If you're a sniper, you will usually kill with a single shot on any part of the enemy's body. So there is little chance of finding a variable which removes all foliage, or which reduces object complexity beyond the limits set in the in-game options, and so on. GameTime.MaxVariableFps 60 - This command allows you to cap your framerate to the FPS value you specify (e.g. When you have a machine that can run Battlefield 3 with everything maxed out, you surely have bragging rights but it isnt the case, mostly. (I do recommend turning shadows to medium and avoiding MSAA as the perf penalties are far too high for very little visual improvement.). Antialiasing Post: This type of Antialiasing is a Post-Process form of AA, so-called because it is applied after the scene has been rendered, thus it is not as precise as Deferred AA. Best Battlefield 2042 mouse & keyboard settings Global mouse and keyboard settings Invert Vertical Look for Soldiers: Off Mouse raw input: On On Foot mouse and keyboard settings Aim Solider mouse aim sensitivity: We recommend anywhere from 15-20 Invert Vertical Look for Soldiers: Off Field of View: 60-80 ADS Field of View: Off Movement The available options are Low, Medium, High and Ultra. For example, expand the gray window all the way to the edges of the screen, and in turn your HUD elements will be displayed at the far edges of the screen as well, making them less obstructive. Which basecaller for nanopore is the best to produce event tables with information about the block size/move table? Edit: Another thought I just had: Know your screens refresh rate (Hz). Thanks for the tips. This depends on a range of factors, including the quality and latency of your own connection to the server, and those of the other players. screenshot.render Fire single shots or short bursts rather than a spray. Buildings, rocks and trees for example are constructed of these meshes, which are then wrapped in textures and have various effects added onto them to complete the illusion of a realistic three-dimensional object. Hi guys, just a quick tutorial showing the settings that I use in BF3 Settings Editor. Vertical Look: If this option is set to Normal, moving your mouse forward results in your character looking up, and moving the mouse back will make your character look down. Lower the setting to fix the contrast and bright lightning in the game. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 / AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT. It is the sequel to Battlefield 2 and was released on October 25, 2011 [2] for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Similarly, look at the mountains in the distance and they too become rounder as this setting is raised. Some like it off, some like it on. The first shot is with all ambient occlusion Off, and looks fairly realistic due to the existing shadowing controlled by the Shadow Quality setting covered earlier. The aim is to ensure that during gameplay neither lines spike frequently to very high levels, as this indicates that the particular resource is being overtaxed, and possibly causing lag and instability. Like you said, it listed a bunch of High and Ultra settings in BF3 for the GTX 560, but that only gets you 30-40 FPS, which is too low for a competitive online shooter. The performance impact of Terrain Quality is fairly consistent at each step from Low to Ultra, even at higher resolutions. Performance information is also provided for every setting, although bear in mind that the precise impact on your particular system depends on your specific hardware combination and your other game and system-wide settings. Medium is aimed at mid-range DirectX 10 graphics cards. However if you look closely at the two white mounds at the bottom of the screenshots, just to the left of the player's hand, you can clearly see that as this setting is increased, the tips of the hills go from being angular to smoother and more rounded. The screenshots above show that at Low there are patches of grass, bushes and flowers, but these are fairly sparse in most areas, especially in the middle distance. This does no harm to your system, but it can be annoying. Battlefield 2042 Best Console Settings Guide. What the screenshots don't show is that foliage 'pop-in' becomes more pronounced at lower levels of this setting, such that at Low for example, you will see flowers and some patches of grass appearing or disappearing a few meters away from you as you move. Screenshot comparisons are provided where relevant to highlight the impact on image quality of changing these settings. Choosing the optimal settings in the brand-new Battlefield 2042 is integral if you want to come out on top of the countless battles you're going to . That is, as you move around, you will be able to see the terrain noticeably change shape in front of you. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The available options here are Off, SSAO and HBAO. Open your console in BF3 ~ key and Enter: render.perfoverlayvisible 1 In fact this MSAA is really a customized selective Supersampling technique which increases the resolution of the scene only in areas where the engine detects the most prominent jagged edges, and in doing so, takes more samples, which makes those edges smoother. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Network Smoothing Factor: This slider controls interpolation, a technique which determines where a particular moving object or character is currently located in the game world, based on actual locational data periodically received over the network. Recommend all user to upgrade it. When motion blur is disabled or at its minimum, the scene remains quite clear during fast motion. As an added bonus, FXAA can be combined with the MSAA in BF3 to provide the maximum amount of antialiasing possible. The screenshots above show that as Mesh Quality is reduced from Ultra to High, some of the buildings lose minor details, particularly noticeable on the portions furthest from the viewer. If you are having connection problems or lag issues then there you can try the following alterations: Make sure that your following ports are opened: PC Ports: Anisotropic Filter: 16x- Minimum performance hit and it give a significant visual improvement. Pay particular attention to the tiles on the ground and the wall to the left. Addition from WhiteZero: "Pro Tip on Anti-Aliasing: Turn off Deferred and crank up AA Post. ui.Drawenable 0 - If this command is set to a value of 0, it will remove the Heads Up Display (HUD) and any other screen overlays. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Field of View: This setting determines your Field of View (FOV), which is how much of the game world you can see at once on the screen. Set this command to a value of 0 to disable the built-in Triple Buffering and test to see if it reduces any input lag. At 2x clarity is improved slightly; 4x makes things crisper; and by 8x AF the scene is quite clear. hello everyone, I am a new member in here, my ID is Rens_Future Not visible in this static screenshot is the fact that Motion Blur has now also been enabled, and object and terrain complexity is slightly higher. You can also disable Triple Buffering as covered in the Advanced Tweaking section. This is not the same as VSync, as the framerate cap is not linked to your refresh rate, and capping your FPS in this way will not reduce your overall performance or create mouse lag like VSync can. In BF3, textures are streamed in as required, but your Texture Quality setting determines the texture pool size, which is the amount of VRAM allocated to storing textures at any one time. HDD. Lowering this setting may reduce terrain detail slightly, however to maintain fairness in multiplayer, it does not substantially alter the terrain - otherwise you would have unusual situations, such as some players appearing to float in mid-air, because they're standing on what they see as a small hill on their screen, but that hill doesn't exist on yours. Battlefield 3 has stirred the interest of FPS gamers like few other games in recent times, mainly because it combines compelling online gameplay with superb graphics and immersive audio. This option only affects the Vertical (forward/back) not Horizontal (left/right) mouse axis. If your framerate falls below around 20-25 FPS at any time, you will need to adjust your settings to improve FPS and hence keep your mouse feeling suitably responsive. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? Once you've adjusted the settings on this screen, you will be prompted to apply and save your settings before you can move on. They don't run properly in Battlefield in Crossfire, so I'm running it on one card at the moment :/. Can I lower the video quality settings using some extra configuration? 2X Scope: 99. This console can be opened by pressing the ~ key, which is found just below ESC and above TAB on most keyboards. It also determines the mesh pool size used to store meshes in Video RAM. The following are the most useful of these console commands, and a brief description of their function: render.drawfps 1 - When set to 1, this command displays a frame per second (FPS) counter at the top right of the screen. 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