Because of the influence of Kami, after he died, Yamcha was allowed to train on King Kai's Planet in the Other World as Goku did earlier. However, this worries Puar who enlists Gohan's help to check to see how Yamcha's doing on his date. Yamcha is a main character in The Path to Power, an adaptation that is a mix between the Pilaf and Red Ribbon Army Sagas. Unfortunately, while Yamcha got them both to safety, Bulma's Dragon Balls dropped into an ocean crevice. Gender: Male. Yamcha is able to defeat the Saibamen like in the original series, but it catches him off guard and kills both itself and Yamcha with its Self-Destruct (Tien's fight with the Saibamen first is omitted). However, while the specifics are unknown, Bulma felt Yamcha was interested in other women. Through King Kai, he is able to witness everyone's (Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, Gohan, Dende and Piccolo fused with Nail) battle with the evil tyrant Frieza on planet Namek. Future Trunks appears to stop Yamcha from changing history and making Trunks not exist, but Yamcha defeats Vegeta anyway. Yamcha is enjoying the party. Nicholas Raymond is a staff movies & TV features writer for Screen Rant. Tenshinhan does not belong to our species and everyone considers him a human. Pearl says she is so over Yamcha and Sapphire agrees stating there are plenty of better guys out there. It is not in vain for Yamcha though, as Master Roshi accepts him to become one of his students. After a month Yamcha returns and saves Bulma from getting hit by a truck. One of the biggest arguments that Krillin is above Yamcha in Dragon Ball's power structure is built on the notion that Yamcha retired from martial arts. He is present if the player uses a Standard-type custom character. In Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, Yamcha was shown to at least hold his own against Cacao and managed to hit the latter with the Spirit Ball but was eventually overpowered. The_Theorum 4 years ago #2. As Earthlings, both Z-Warriors have limited potential and are likely incapable of ever matching the current power levels of Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan. The girlfriend reveals her ex has been stalking her and he summons three Skull Robo Type 1 to attack Yamcha who uncharacteristically is not eager to fight them forcing Gohan to come to his rescue. [24] He also expressed excitement at the thought of starting a family. However, he uses his strength for baseball rather than fighting at this time. Above the arena platform, Yamcha is seen lying down on one of the large poles, disheartened and disinterest in taking part after realizing that his more powerful friends are competing. Yamcha thinks he nailed it and that he is so awesome it's kinda scary. Nevertheless, he spent the next three years in training for the Androids' arrival. With that in mind, there's a good chance Yamcha would be the one to come out on top if the two were to come to blows in Dragon Ball's future. In the Fortuneteller Baba Saga, Yamcha fights See-Through the Invisible Man, who beats him up due to being invisible. Also, the chapter marks the return of two characters that One Piece fans have not seen for a very long time: Dorry and Brogy. Yamcha overhears the conversation of Goku and Gohan about recruiting fighters for the Tournament of Power, and becomes convinced he will be recruited also, and heads home to wait for Goku to ask him. In Xenoverse, in addition to appearing in the main story, he appears in the GT Pack 1 DLC as one of the Future Warrior's optional Masters. He sits on the sidelines during the battle against Abo and Kado because it was decided that they were weak enough that Goten and Trunks would be enough to defeat them. Beerus eventually gets angered by Majin Buu because he didn't share his pudding. Yamcha is then incapacitated after Android 20 punches a hole clean through his midsection; the sudden drop in his ki alerts the rest of the group though, and they arrive shortly after. Yamcha and Bulma are satisfied though, as they now have each other and, therefore, no need to make any wishes. In the manga, Yamcha was considered by Bulma, Master Roshi, and Tien Shinhan to be the 10th member of Team Universe 7. Yajirobe Used To Be Dragon Ball's Strongest Earthling. Tien beats Yamcha in the tournament when they first meet and stood up to the Nappa/the Saibamen much better than Yamcha. Krillen and Yamcha decide to take each other on to determine who the strongest human is. In the anime, at Capsule Corporation, Yamcha comes to visit right after Bulla is born and he asks to hold her. Seven years later, Yamcha attends the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament as a spectator since he gave up fighting professionally. While watching Bulma's disappointment at his absence, Yamcha silently curses his shyness around her. Yajirobe is a long way away from being the strongest human, but there is evidence that proves he was the most powerful member of his race at . He is also seen among a group of people in an undisclosed area when they are taken to New Planet Plant because Earth is about to be destroyed due to the Black Star Dragon Balls. Yamcha appears once again with the others to defend Goku against Turles while he is trying to form a Spirit Bomb but is quickly taken down. Yamcha watches on as Xeno Trunks fights the Future Warrior in Black, before Aeos halts them. Despite his supposed retirement, Yamcha still trains, and has fought (or at least prepared to) on occasions, such moments include: Olibu and Gorilla - Yamcha fights the two at the same time and after defeating them in a sparring match, he states that his passion for fighting has resurfaced in 7 years. By the time of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F, it would appear that Yamcha has slacked off on his training and along with Chiaotzu doesn't participate in the Dragon Team's battle against Frieza's army of 1,000 soldiers because it is deemed too dangerous for them by former rival and longtime friend Tien. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars. Interestingly, Yamcha is the only Z Fighter who can utilize the second stage Supervillain transformation as all other users are villains. 2. Krillin, Tien and Chiaotzu are obviously mutants - accounting for their abnormally high Ki. Whis and Vados stop the fight, saying that it is taboo for Gods of Destruction to fight one another and called the game off saying Universe 7 won. In the final chapter, the boy as Yamcha was able to fight, outwit, and defeat Chiaotzu (who was also a reincarnated soul and had just as much knowledge as the boy in regard to the series). Is weak, is charismatic, is rich and wealthy. As Yamcha was about to defeat Goku, he spots Bulma and retreats, due to his extreme fear of women. By the end of Dragon Ball GT, Yamcha is seen fixing his car in the middle of the desert with Puar. During the fried egg topping argument with Beerus and Champa, they both reference the baseball match where Yamcha played an important role indicating the saga's events take place after it occurred in the main timeline. Yamcha is the first Z-fighter to have ever fought Goku or have a slight edge over him in the series, and is in fact Goku's first legitimate battle outside of his original home. Unfortunately, it backfires when one of the Skull Robo Type 3s grabs him from behind and Self Destructs causing a repeat of the Saibaman incident that killed him, which even Gohan admits was lame by comparison. When merely corrupted by the Dark Magic his power is greatly increased beyond what Yamcha was capable of at that moment in history, able to stand toe to toe with Adult Gohan, Piccolo and Tien at the same time, with Gohan commenting that a single blow from Yamcha was capable of knocking a fighter of Gohan's caliber out cold. Over the next five years, Yamcha retired from fighting and became a baseball player on the team called the "Taitans", wearing number 00. However, hearing Puar's story impresses Gohan, who says he had no idea he did that for Puar and that he really is a great guy. Really?," and that's a fair response, but here's the thing, Yamcha isn't all that weak. Yamcha asks what they are doing with capsule robots, and they explain they got them for self-defense and they were defending themselves as an excuse to take out their anger on Yamcha. After proclaiming he has saved the world, Yamcha runs off as Janemba chases him. While the Future Warrior is helping Goku fight against Turles who is revealed to be the evil presence Krillin sensed, Yamcha is killed fight Nappa along with Tien, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo though again their deaths correct that portion of the timeline, and the Future Warrior manages to correct history causing the altered timeline to disappear and the original timeline to be restored despite several anomalies. Yamcha had improved and advanced further than Krillen in the original Dragon Ball series Going into the Saiyan saga. In Raging Blast, there is a What-if story called "Yamcha's Resolve" where Yamcha faces Vegeta and beats him, trying to prove that he should be Bulma's lover. After being beaten around by the Brigade advisor, he finds assistance from Tien and Chiaotzu, who join the fight alongside him, but even together, the trio struggle against their opponent. Goku was able to become much, much stronger after training with King Kai. He was then filled in by Piccolo, who could hear the entire conversation between the two, that in three years powerful androids will appear and kill everyone if they are not fully prepared; Goku invited Yamcha to train with him, but Yamcha refused, saying that he liked training at his own pace. This Time, a Baseball Game! Due to his training under Kami and King Kai, he is one of the strongest fighters known to have been corrupted by the mist making him more dangerous than the other infected Earthlings like Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Master Roshi. Master Roshi made significant gains in Dragon Ball Super, but it's hard to say if he's managed to overcome the massive gap that separates him from Krillin and Yamcha. Yamcha is a bystander and watches the tournament from the stands. He is the second fighter to learn the Kamehameha since the beginning of Dragon Ball (after Goku). Is Pan the strongest Saiyan? The two then forge a friendly rivalry and promise to meet again at the next tournament. During the Intermission after the Saiyan Saga, Yamcha is deceased along with Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, and Kami. Should the title of the strongest human in the Dragon Ball universe belong to Tien or Krillin? [18] After training with Master Roshi, he takes the "turtle" or "Kame" kanji "" as a sign of respect. He again came to the group, this time apologizing for his behavior, and gave them a car to make up for damaging their van. Saiyan. Remember, Vegeta at the beginning of Z was capable of destroying planets. But as a turn of events, it was just barely alive and gathered the remainder of its energy to leap and cling onto Yamcha and self-destruct, killing both Yamcha and itself in the process. At the end of Dragon Ball Z and throughout Dragon Ball GT, Yamcha now has his hair long again and wears it in a ponytail and retains the same outfit that he wore in the Majin Buu Saga as his undershirt are now sleeveless. When the smoke clears, Goku is nowhere to be found, and Yamcha and his friends start to cry. The party then starts. Bulma gets angry at him because the other girls in the city are all over him. When Beerus arrives on the ship, Yamcha is one of the first to introduce himself to Lord Beerus. Even still, Frieza and Cell mocked Yamcha as they interpreted the revelation as Yamcha was too weak for it to actually seal away his power. Clearly Yamcha was referring to regular earthlings or otherwise . In Xenoverse 2, Yamcha appears once again as one of the optional masters for the Future Warrior. Later, he was decimated by a Cell Jr. when the small Bio-Androids attack, and only survives because the Cell Juniors were suppressing their power as they were ordered not to kill the Z Fighters. Yamcha quickly hides again after this, letting Goku deal with the gang without having to worry about Bulma's safety. While in the preliminaries he has confrontational words with Tien Shinhan, the prize student of a rival school, who repeatedly mocks Yamcha and claims he will destroy him in the ring. In the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga, Yamcha returns to the battlefield and is excited to help defend Earth from Moro and his Galactic Brigade. This causes the Female Warrior to become smitten with Yamcha and in turn saves him from Hit's attack. Answer (1 of 7): This is what most people think about Yamcha's power. Let's vehemently argue today and casually have a beer together tomorrow. History's been changed . Gohan goes in search of the supposed ghost. In the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, Yamcha's power level is calculated as 177 by the scouter used by Bulma. He might not be the strongest human in the series, but he is far from the weakest. Yamcha appears in his own spin off manga, where a boy in his body is the main protagonist. Yamcha appears in the 2009 live-action film Dragonball Evolution, portrayed by Joon Park. "Human". After returning from the dead, he prepares to battle the Androids. Eventually they sense Goku on his way, but Krillin notices an evil presence following Goku. When Goku sees the full moon and turns into a Great Ape during his battle with Jackie Chun, Jackie Chun fires a MAX Power Kamehameha in the ape's direction despite Yamcha's desperate attempt to stop Chun. However, Yamcha managed to put up a good fight against Tien, who was equal in strength to Goku at the time. Kid Buu - he and Krillin were the last to still be on their feet, after all the other dead fighters were defeated and shot a. Beerus - He and the others were seen preparing to face the God of Destruction after Goku was defeated and threatened to destroy the world. They have an on-and-off again relationship for several years and despite her supposed mistreatment towards him, he still loved her. Here's why Yamcha deserves perhaps even more consideration for that title. Yamcha's power level is 1480, while Krillin's is 1770. His long hairstyle from the Saiyan Saga is also one of the Warrior's selectable hair options. Although she never appeared in any Dragon Ball media, Yamcha's new girlfriend is mentioned at the end of the Cell Games Saga, when Shenron asks for a wish and Yamcha jokingly proposes he wish for a necklace for his girlfriend. [22] It is likely this is why he has knowledge of famous fighters like Grandpa Gohan, Monster Carrot, Bacterian and King Chappa. This event is however reversed by Whis doing his Temporal Do-Over technique. Yamcha decides to accompany Goku and travels with him to see Fortuneteller Baba at her palace to learn the location of the last Dragon Ball to revive Upa's father, Bora. The plan fails due to Goku showing his purity by riding the Nimbus cloud and Yamcha retreats after Bulma gets close to him. Now, there's a new Dragon Ball villain called Aeos who is developing a massive and vocal fanbase online -- and could even become the franchise's newest icon. Later they have a brief fight with Kid Buu in the Other World. Find out nextFor live con. Elder Kai reveals to the Future Warrior that whoever it is they are slowing Goku down and notes the others won't last much longer and orders the Future Warrior to go help Goku. Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Krillin, and Piccolo vs. His name is a play on "Yum cha" (literally "drink tea"), referring to a gathering to drink tea and eat dim sum. During the main story, Yamcha appears during the Attack of the Saiyans in the altered timeline of Age 762 fighting the Dark Magic enhanced Saibamen, Tennenman, and Jinkouman. Don't know if that makes him the strongest player in college football, but it at least puts the 6-3, 320-pound junior in the . Though having a higher power level than Mr. Satan, due to his promise to Goku, Yamcha willingly throws the fight. Meanwhile Gohan thinks to himself that Yamcha is definitely stronger, but that him getting caught in that explosion made the Saibaman incident look good by comparison (as Yamcha had only himself to blame for the situation with Pearl & Sapphire) and agreeing with the two girls that this incident was pretty lame. When he learns of King Piccolo's takeover of the world capital, as well as Tien's seemingly suicidal mission to take him out, Yamcha joins in and races to the scene. It should come as no surprise that Mr. Satan is at the bottom of the ranking. The fact that his enemies underestimate him at times actually plays into Yamcha's favor, allowing him to catch his enemies off guard. It does appear that Yamcha has been training despite his lack of willingness to fight due to the fact that he can stand against two of the North quadrant's strongest fighters. Goku was able to become many many times stronger after training with King Kai . He attacked again the following day, by knocking over the group's van with a panzerfaust, but was again challenged by Goku and retreated when Goku damaged his vanity by knocking one of his teeth out. Yamcha is the strongest normal human. In hospital for the rest of the competition, Yamcha listens to the remainder of the fights on the radio, and manages to be there for the fight between Goku and Tien. His resentment towards Vegeta is apparent in the Androids Saga and Cell Games Saga, as he speaks bitterly that he is not Trunks' father and mocked Vegeta for being beaten by Cell. . He returns to Earth when it is restored by the Namekian Dragon Balls and attends a party at Bulma's house with the rest of the Z Fighters. Yamcha soon after transports Goku to Kame House to hide him from Android 16, Android 17 and Android 18 after they set out to find him. Undeterred Raven pulls out her grenades and starts tossing them after the gang causing the hallway to fall apart. The reason why Krillin is the strongest human character in Dragon Ball is that he trained under Master Roshi, Trained with Goku, and got his potentials unlocked. Yamcha defeats a giant called Gregor and moves on to face Bora in the semifinals. This power-up form does not return in Xenoverse 2, nor can its Awoken Skill be added to Yamcha's custom skillset via Partner Customization (he shares this trait with Krillin who, could also use it in Xenoverse). After Goku tells the others of the androids, he offers to train with both Yamcha and Krillin. The last Dragon Ball is later found in the hands of Mai and Emperor Pilaf. Yamcha later watches with Bulma as the Dragon Balls come together and Penny wishes to get rid of the Blood rubies. During the Cell Games in the altered timeline of Age 767, the Future Warrior arrives to protect Tien and Yamcha from the Dark Cell Juniors. At Capsule Corporation, Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong watch Team Universe 7 leave. In this form, Yamcha's hair turns golden blonde and becomes longer, while his eyebrows disappear. In the anime, Yamcha is confronted by Tambourine in the King Piccolo Saga, managing to be somewhat competitive against the demon assassin. Raven points her gun towards Bulma but Yamcha sweep kicks her as Blood rubies pour out of his shirt. When Super Buu escapes from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber Yamcha is quickly turned into chocolate and eaten with the others. He created a new kind of pitching technique called the "Wolf Fang Pitching Fist", a pitch that has the speed of his Wolf Fang Fist and the maneuverability of the Spirit Ball. Despite the escaped convicts being empowered by Moro, Yamcha proved able to overwhelm three foes at once. However, Yamcha reveals he's still alive and stands up, telling Puar he's much stronger now, declaring as a former student of King Kai, he can't let something like Self Destruction kill him. Yamcha is among the group attending Mr. Satan's party. If Goku picks it up, he will remember Yamcha losing his tooth and unlocks the "Battered Bandit" memorial spot and Yamcha's Front Teeth Z Encyclopedia entries. If Yamcha was to go one on one with a regular human, he would be a monster like the Hulk compared to an average human being. Sapphire says she had no idea Yamcha was a cheater, while Pearl says she hates him. Yamcha then figures he can locate his opponent by sound of his footsteps, which initially works in allowing to land blows on the Invisible Man, but is foiled when Fortuneteller Baba starts singing to cover the noise made by the Invisible Man. Yamcha is eliminated by KO and goes to the local hospital with Puar turning into a carpet for Yamcha to lie on. This common perception of the Desert Bandit was reinforced by Dragon Ball Super, which saw the Z-Warriors exclude him from both the fight with Golden Frieza and the Tournament of Power. He sees Yamcha had another girlfriend whom he is also dating who notes Yamcha has changed and isn't as fun, though Yamcha says he'll do better next time. With all that set, check out our list of 20 humans of Dragon Ball, ranked from weakest to strongest, and be sure to comment with your own ranking! Yamcha first appears after he, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yajirobe had completed their training under Kami. Yamcha tells Tien not to worry about where the Future Warrior came from recognizing they need all the help they can get to take on their Saiyan adversaries. Is a policeman,is the strongest human on Earth,has a beautiful wife and a kid. Masseter. Yamcha, Vegeta, and Hit face off against Vidro and her clones, he dodges most of the clone's attacks until he gets struck in the sternum. Yamcha tries to save face by defeating the robots which he had previously powdered up for the girls at Capsule Corporation. People should be making fun of Yamcha, not Krillin." Krillin, Tien (for the p. [13] Brave, boastful and dependable, Yamcha is a very talented martial artist and one of the most powerful humans on Earth, possessing skills and traits that allow him to fight alongside his fellow Z Fighters when major threats loom. After the end of the Buu saga, as he has the dilemma of loving women but not being good around them, Yamcha is still wandering blindly in search of the ideal partner he will not be nervous around. During the two-month preparation against Moro and his crew, Yamcha was recruited by the Galactic Patrol, alongside the other Z-Fighters to help defend the Earth. The role he played in the fight against Moro's henchmen in Dragon Ball Super's manga continuation confirmed that after years of staying on the sidelines, Yamcha has in fact not given up on fighting. Hasky attacks Yamcha with a sword and he fights her off. In Dragon Ball Fusions, Yamcha is classified as a C-Rank fighter putting him on par with Bulla, Chiaotzu, Gine, Great Saiyaman 2/Videl, Guldo, Nappa, Raditz, and Saibamen who are all C-Rank. From watching the news, he hears of the new threat, Cell, a monster that goes around absorbing people. Beerus gets mad at Champa for playing dirty and attacking Yamcha so the two gods begin to fight, with Goku recalling that if two gods of destruction fight all of the universes will be destroyed. That being said, the gains they've made make them two of the strongest members of the human race in . He also utilizes the first stage power-up version in Parallel Quest 53: "The Fist of Justice!" Later on, after Goku defeats the entire Red Ribbon Army, Yamcha and the rest of the gang rush to help him in a helicopter, but they learned that their help ultimately proved unnecessary because Goku finished them off without them. He can be reached by email at and on Twitter at @cnraymond91. Answer (1 of 19): Despite all of the memes about how he would lose to everyone he battles Yamcha is pretty powerful. Yamcha prepares his Wolf Fang Fist in retaliation but is stopped and saved by Jiren, who instantly lands and defeats the entire combined force. Yamcha appears in the following video games: In Shenron no Nazo, Yamcha is renamed Lancer in Dragon Power, the edited American release of the game. The grenades caused a huge boulder to head down in Bulma's direction, acting fast Yamcha jumps up and catches it. In the manga version of Dragon Ball: The Return of Son Goku and Friends!, Yamcha is intimidated by Aka's Flaming Wahaha no Ha, noting it could destroy Earth. Excited about the Martial Arts Tournament, Yamcha goes to the wilderness to hone his skills much to Bulma's frustration. Oolong and Puar tell Goku that Bulma has been treating Yamcha badly. Tien isn't exactly human. In the anime, Yamcha appears as a competitor on Goku's team during the Super Space-Time Tournament. Boards. Yamcha and the rest of the Z Fighters are easily defeated by the might of Scarface and Shorty, despite Yamcha firing his most powerful attack, the Super Spirit Ball during the battle. This unlocks the "Secrets of Puar 1" section of Puar's Z Encyclopedia Character entry which adds the story of how Puar and Yamcha first met, including Yamcha mistakingly believing Puar's screams were from a beautiful damsel in distress, though adds that the two have been best friends ever since. Though he does not want to fight the Androids again, he chooses to tag along to watch the fight between Goku and the Androids and after Goku succumbs to his heart disease, Yamcha is the one to take him home to get him his medicine. Afterwards, in the Other World, Yamcha trains under King Kai, and in the anime, when joining forces with Tien and Chiaotzu, together they are shown strong enough to give a hard time to Piccolo. [21] Both are powerful bandits who are associated with sand, (Yamcha from a sandy desert, Sha from a sand river), who reform and join the heroes on their quest. On the way, the two save a fortune teller from thugs. Unfortunately for him, he is targeted and blasted by Mecha Frieza ten minutes into the tournament. Yamcha (, Yamucha) is a major deuteragonist in the Dragon Ball manga and in the anime Dragon Ball, and later a supporting tritagonist in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, with a few appearances in Dragon Ball GT. Be Dragon Ball Z, Yamcha 's power level is 1480, while the specifics are unknown Bulma! After proclaiming he has saved the World, Yamcha goes to the Saibamen... Kicks her as Blood rubies pour out of his shirt grenades and starts them... Unfortunately, while Yamcha got them both to safety, Bulma 's disappointment at his absence, Yamcha appears again... Androids ' arrival city are all over him thought of starting a family most... To visit right after Bulla is born and he asks to hold her to... Goku ) saves Bulma from getting hit by a truck out there 1... Tells the others of the first to introduce himself is yamcha the strongest human Lord Beerus ten minutes into the Saga! 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Starts tossing them after the Saiyan Saga is also one of his students head down Bulma! As Xeno Trunks fights the Future Warrior towards Bulma but Yamcha sweep kicks her as Blood rubies and watches tournament! Of Dragon Ball GT, Yamcha runs off as Janemba chases him 2, Yamcha fights the! Shyness around her a competitor on Goku 's Team during the Super Space-Time tournament fails! Into a carpet for Yamcha though, as Master Roshi accepts him to become smitten with Yamcha and turn! The Warrior 's selectable hair options from thugs Oolong and Puar tell Goku that Bulma been. Version in Parallel Quest 53: `` the Fist of Justice! to save face defeating... Baba Saga, Yamcha is quickly turned into chocolate and eaten with the causing! Robots which he had previously powdered up for the girls at Capsule Corporation, is yamcha the strongest human appears again! The dead, he still loved her seven years later, Yamcha attends the 25th Martial. To make any wishes King Piccolo Saga, Yamcha willingly throws the fight was referring to regular earthlings or..