Can anyone please tell me more about this case. !.I even have 2 empty re-called granuflo jugs that came from the dumpster behind the Dialysis Clinic, and the Clinic did not know of the Recall until I talked with them before my husband's passing.It is just so amazing how lawyers line their pockets with others heartbreaks. Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ORDER granting1868 Plaintiffs' Motion for Three Day Extension of Time to File Joint Submission Regarding Records Requests and Production Spreadsheet, with the exception of the three additions to Exhibit A 15cv11269 15cv11301 13cv12307 as to which the plaintiffs must show good cause for their belated inclusion. Hi Joe, If they would have said to me "listen let's go to trial and we will win because we can prove it was GranuFlo, I would've opted out! She took her last breath while finishing up dialysis. This is not fair! Out of those 2400 how many died within 24 hours and of Cardiac Arrest and that were using Granuflo. Agreement in principle for settlement of potentially all cases. Even though, it hardly matters, I was in my mid twenties when she passed. Instead, acetate came later in the process as part of a chemical reaction. Anyone who has lost a loved one the pain never leaves. I was also told by my paralegal that Medicare could put a lien on the money and take it when we do get the settlement. If 97% does not agree than the chance of receiving nothing is real. The approval or denial for the settlement is still set for May 10 no word one way or the other on what they have decided yet. I WILL NEVER SEE AT ALL. As todays announcement makes clear, this Office will continue its long tradition of aggressively investigating companies and individuals who use bribes and kickbacks to gain an unfair and illicit business advantage, or who deliberately turn a blind eye to that conduct., This case shows the continued commitment of the FBI and our partners to investigate bribery and corruption worldwide, said FBI Assistant Director Robert Johnson. Not sure how accurate this is but I heard there were around 375 true cases.People are talking about 4000 cases 10,000 cases there's a difference between cases and claims.people that fall into category 1 and or 2 ,4 have cases unfortunately the people that fall into category three only have a claim $1500 somewhere they don't meet the criteria Either they did not have a cardiac arrest within 24 hours or Granuflo was not used or the dates do not fall into line. Matthew Heller April 1, 2019. Has anyone else received a settlement offer or am I alone???? Some people may not qualif. The average cost of dialysis treatment is $90k per year. My attorney said that the current trial has to do with NaturaLyte cases which opted out of the settlement. But now since a settlement has been reached you are cutting our family off from closure. I LIVE THROUGH IT ALL AND SEE WHAT THEY DO. This whole lawsuit has just not been fair t. So they have yet extended the Opt in date another 20 days? I will no longer post articles directly from other websites but I think it will be OK if I Write my own opinion about a article or Basic information about a article for informational purposes. So your case will be worth more than $25,000 if they keep throwing people out of the settlement. After I didn't sign right away they even called to talk me into signing them. I know many people including many of my family and friends that have unfortunately lost their lives to the mistakes of medication errors and nurses and doctors that didn't have a clue of what was going on in the clinic that they oversaw. Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA Investor Relations & Sustainability +49 (0) 6172 608-2485 Share price $24.69 +0.081% Data is delayed by 15 minutes. If they payout big people will question the safety and realiabilty of their product. thanks. My attorney said that the current trial has to do with NaturaLyte cases which opted out of the settlement. My They must be out of their greedy rapid axx minds to think that I'm going to give up. According to the lawsuit, Fresenius company policy does not recognize on-call time as hours worked and Freeman claims that this policy defies the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by excluding the on-call pay from the regular rate for the purposes of overtime calculations. Thank you everyone for this information and I'm so sorry for your losses of your loved ones. I did not have to get any medical records and send. I am positive I am right with those numbers. My Mom''s blood levels didn't meet the criteria. Deb, I just don't know why the criteria keeps changing. It doesn't seem fair to us again when this drug did cause the death of our loved ones. We stated yes. The company wins again if we don't. He stated because the company picled the cases they wanted to go to trial with. . After having read all of your posts and now I'm really scared. My mother had zero heart problems. Under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act, private individuals, known as relators, can sue on behalf of the government for false claims and share in any recovery. I don't think that it is fair how they are doing this settlement. ", Wednesday, April 12, 2017 A company worth billions, sees my mothers life worth 1500, and that's not for sure; that could change also. My mom passed away in her sleep 30 to 44 hours after last treatment from cardiac arrest. First, they kicked me out claiming "we dont have enough proof about your mom and when she took it..blah blah blah". One more thing the opt-in date was only extended 2 weeks but no one will know if the 97% was met or if the settlement is going to be paid out to the people that did opt in or if it is going to be voided altogether.The date that information Will be known is May 10,2017 or after. A bellwether trial is designed to achieve value ascertainment function for settlement purposes or to answer troubling causation or liability issues common to a universe of claimants. When he got home from DaVita, we had to call an ambulance within an hour. This is why distrust is rampant in the minds of people towa. My condolences to all who have suffered and Good Luck to those who are choosing to ride it out. I started here in oct 2015. But an attorney for Fresenius contended that Dials lawyers were painting a distorted picture not just of Naturalyte, but of Dials own health. We are assuming this letter was sent in error because your firm had our mothers case for over 3 years. Whether the case took place or not. Well I told them no,she tell me well u have that right. Everyone needs to relax there were a total of 2 trials both were lost. does anyone know anything? My lawyer said the very most that someone will get in the class 1 category is 47,000 and your lawyer will get 40 percent of that amount, which means you will net out at 28,200. Angier how does your case accumulate 175 points. Joe I also opted in. My contact information will be forthcoming to those that will stand with me in this tumultuous fight for our loved ones! This was a very traumatic experience for me, it still hurts as though it happened just a day ago. This whole thing seems like a scam to me. My lawyer takes 33% . 1845 motion Substitute Attorney Thu 6:29 PM I miss my dad. Just curious. The 250 million is an insult to all of us including the dearly departed who suffered the most!! There needs to be a class action against the way we are being misrepresented by the legal community because your mistakes aren't mistakes they are deliberate! Th. It doesn't seem worth it to me for the death of your loved one due to a chemical that Fresenius KNEW was killing people. I do hope for the people that have not opted in that the trail does go their way. Before I opt in and slow them to pay me 600.00 after attorney's fees; I'll walk away with NOTHING! I want justice for my mom she developed congested heart faliure from diaylsis later found out she had cancer couldn't get the strong dose of chemo because her heart was too weak my mom fought a good fight but she passed in May of 2014 I need answers!!!!! What it basically means is they combined A majority of the cases that did not reply to the lonePine order that were required to do so. I HAD BRAIN SURGERY, STROKE, COMA ,NOW CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE, LIVED. In 2019, Fresenius made significant investments in all business segments to lay the foundation for future growth. So many other cases would have proven their guilt. Don't sign that letter to let that drug company off the hook. after her last trip, it was a constant fight - fuck their criteria- any admission I want them destroyed opt out not even sending the paper back ,1500 is a crime in itse. Yes, I went to the hospital and it showed my Mom's bicarbonate level different from what Fresenius reported to my lawyer. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of seven family members: Harmon's two adult daughters, Diane and Shanetta; an adult son, DeShawn; two minor children; her father, Steve; and her mother, Diane. several times after dialysis she would have hallucinations. 3 Min Read (Reuters) - Germany-based dialysis clinic operator Fresenius Medical Care AG will pay about $231 million to resolve criminal and civil allegations that the company paid bribes to. There is one question My Attorney's have yet to answer if their is an age requirement in all this . The bellwether trial date is no longer valid January 6, 2017 will not be the bellwether trial date. I don't know how many people, but there are 20 pages I imagine a few hundred per page. For some reason a settlement was immediately offered n accepted by plaintiffs. HE is my justifier and HIS wrath will be un-escapeable from those that will reap it! If the lawyers lied and involves greed, they can have it. By Jeff Overley. Then come to find out 5 years later it was the granuflo that killed her. All Rights Reserved. The verdict in this case, by itself, does not directly impact the previously-announced comprehensive settlement of the Acid Concentrate litigation, said Kent Jarrell, spokesman for Fresenius Medical Care. My father also passed away within hours of being treated. She's not telling us anything . I know exactly what happened to this people because I was there when it happened. Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (Fresenius), a German-based provider of medical products and services, has agreed to pay approximately $231 million to resolve investigations by the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) into violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in connection with Freseniuss participation in various corrupt schemes to obtain business in multiple foreign countries. IT SOUNDS LIKE THE JUDGE JUST WANT IT SETTLED OR SELLING US OUT. What number are they trying to reach to make it more attainable for the plaintiffs to come to a more amicable agreement. Dial v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, et al SHE PASSED JAN 2013.. But now since a settlement has been reached you are cutting our family off from closure. I agree with you George in that we should contact as many officials that can assist those of us that have been misled into thinking that there would be JUSTICE for our DECEASED loved ones. And my attorney said we did not meet the criteria as a result of stroke as the cause of death instead of cardiac arrest even though my family member died in 48 hours after the treatment. My mother passed due to cardiac arrhythmia which if the homework was properly it can lead to sudden death in which it did. Joe, I Understand you clearly. Every case is separate. I was a high school student who had never lose anyone close to me before. I just read an update from oct.22, 2016 on the pacemonitor website stating that a Motion was submitted to establish Qualified Settlement .This is the only place I can get info on my case involving my dad who passed away in 2012. They provided us with instruction, we had emails every meeting, this was brought up. After having me to do most of the foot work myself? Out of 12k I belive only 3000 qualify this is a twisted case we all been abuse im telling u we need to partition trump he will help us especially against this german company like he said nobody getting away he is real big on healthcare if dont no one say nothing we will be ate alive if they was to offer me 1500 I will gather so many people to hold pickett signs i will have so many homeless passing out my love ones medicail reports to every body entering there facilities it over 12k of us these lawyers are over paid to not care for people just money funny I showed one of these lead attorneys some facts that dude never spoke back, Joe, So in other words $217,000,0007700 cases equals approximately $28,000 less 40% in attorney fees Will net out to be $17,000. My prayer is that there will be justice for us ALL & some what of closure. Many people filed who really didn't have a case. Terms of Use / PEOPLE LISTEN TO MIKIE GET MOVED TO YOUR DISTRICT SPEND THE $400 DOLLARS. The U.S. Attorneys Office announced the settlement of a lawsuit with Fresenius Medical Care. This lets me know that they're not getting the numbers. Has anybody heard anything new about this case? T. People don't opt in. A former employee of Fresenius, Christopher Drennen, brought the allegations in a whistleblower lawsuit, and as a result will receive 27.5 percent, or $1.43 million, of the settlement.. I told my lawyer no. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Brenda Hancock at Redaction Request due 2/14/2017. One thing to remember I have no idea how many people are in category one there are 7700 that qualify but I don't believe those are all category one. Fresenius Dialyysis Drug Didnt Kill Patient, Jury Told The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. I. I am curious with all these criteria's they are using to eliminate cases from 12,000 to how many at the end? I don't think that it is fair how they are doing this settlement. When I asked how long after letters are signed I was told it will be awhile for checks not sure if that means weeks, months or years. I agree with Ck, 250k is not enough to share with 19,000 families. SMH!!! They need to take the cases to trial where people didn't have heart problems and see if they win those. IT'S CALLED UNDER DURESS.GO TO CNN NEW That company should be ashamed for making a profit off th. Dial's estate is represented by Robert Carey and Molly Booker of Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, Craig Valentine of Norton Frickey LP and Stuart Paynter of the Paynter Law, Joe, you seem to know more about this case & have been more informational than our own attorney's. It seems that all of the large Mass Tort suits head in this direction. I guarantee he would take your place anyday to see his grand kids ( 2 whom he had never got to meet). The reason the Attorneys are asking for a 40% fee in this settlement is because they want to make up 600K in lawyer fees. I am guessing there maybe less then 1000 cl. The Dial family plaintiffs elected not to participate in the comprehensive settlement and are now barred from doing so. (Posted below) there are 7700 people so far the article is dated December 14, 2016 .she's quoting the numbers from the manuscript from the lone Pine hearing. In light of all the factors, the company did not qualify for a declination under the Corporate Enforcement Policy; however, the company was afforded a reduction of 40 percent below the low end of the U.S. Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ELECTRONIC PROCEDURAL ORDER - In light of the Defendant's Omnibus Motion (ECF#1862) to Dismiss following the failure of the plaintiffs in the 631 cases identified therein to properly comply with Case Management Order No.17 (ECF#1825), the Clerk is directed to enter a Judgment of Dismissal with Prejudice on May 3, 2017, in each such case in the absence of further order of this court for good cause shown. WHAT IS GOING ON. My lawyers have not contacted me either nor given me any form to opt out! The big Pharma companies know the risks of trying these medicines out on people and profit tremendously, pay low low amounts to people who have suffered and or died. 1.1 The following paragraphs summarize the results of an internal investigation report filed by the Orlando-based medical board which is responsible for the supervision and licensing of all Florida health providers.. 1.1.1 Following the conclusion of the internal review, the company's board conducted its own investigation. Dials own expert said that Dial died of cardiac arrest, a separate condition. As for opting in or out . My mother passed away July 2012 and I still don't have answers.. Justice shall be served although no money could amount to my moms life. One thing to remember I have no idea how many people are in category one there are 7700 that qualify but I don't believe those are all category one. I think they are just trying to get me to take such a small amount so they can keep more for themselves. No I opted in, let me explain the reason behind that. Abe Jones ran in 2016 for Supreme Court Justice but unfortunately he did not win. Sorry that so many of you are having trouble with your attorneys. He never missed any treatment during the recouperation from the stroke. I asked about the people who didn't opt in.She told me that they were offered a small settlement, if they choose not to take it. And are the figures correct because that's chicken feed compare to what Fresenius is worth and with what they charge. sti()riNG kmid/ So sad. Don't be concerned about the name Omnibus Motion. Its like playing the lottery how f o the expect for familes to agree to this im sorry for youll love ones my attorney has not told me much but i qualify for the granuflo recive papers about my mother's benfits and who she may owe bankruptcy stuff like that if any body that qualified no any thing please share something, I just received paperwork today saying my lawyers have determined my case is not eligible to participate in the settlement. The agreement in principle called for FMCH to pay US$250 million into a settlement fund in exchange for releases of all or substantially all of the plai. So far, only 7,700 plaintiffs have opted in, and more than 1,000 claims have been dismissed. Anyone passing away after 24 hours is being dismissed from criteria 1. The Defendants Is (Fresenius,Granuflo,Natralyte,).The Plaintiff's Which Is US Lost in Other Other Court Cases .But They Still Had Litigations To Settlement For 250 Million. I will start that and post information as to the letters that I'm sending. My lawyer said that they currently have no info as to what will happen with cases that have chosen to opt-out. I agree each year pass and no compensation is really cold feelings on their end. I am an ONLY child and lost my Mother 3 years ago. From 360law. AND STILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO ME. I believe the article says there were 4000 claims in th. 17 plaintiffs in the Granuflo and Naturalyte MDL,fight over document production that was needed according to the lone Pine order they received.The lawyers for the 17 plaintiffs,State they could not obtain the information needed from Fresenius to comply with the LonePine order. I had her resuscitated and we continued with dialysis. They claim that my mother's levels did not meet the criteria by 1 or 2 points. They called 911 and it took several minutes for them to get to him. This is worth fighting for. I was persuaded to opt in because they made it sound that was the way to go. Our injury law firm spans two generations of family members who understand how to adeptly and compassionately handle injury and wrongful death claims. Has anyone seen the article were the Attorney General Andy Beshear of Kentucky on 9/01/16 filed a Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit accusing a Fresenius Medical Company of medicaid fraud for allegedly promoting a kidney dialysis product it knew was harmful to patients. Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Healthy Kidney Inc. and Robert Galarowicz, unless otherwise noted. I informed him that I knew the qualifications already. So what makes a $250 million settlement worth disrespecting your Integrity fighting for a Wrongful Death case. NaturaLyte Compensation fund very few people are expected to qualify so this fund is limited to $5 million pre-dialysis blood laboratory work has to be of a certain level also their bicarbonate prescription and to also be of a certain levelso it was more like a Granuflo exposure. I am going to try everything in my power to do peritoneal dialysis and not go to this place. I have heard of the point system but not quite that many points. Our names were put on the suit without our knowledge. Bellwether trials are especially common in Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) practice, where many cases have been consolidated for purposes of discovery and pretrial matte. Fresenius will pay OCR $3.5 million to settle claims brought under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act rules, alleging that lax security practices led to five breaches of . Moms cardiac arrest is the perfect case. I came back to work today and the email is mysteriously gone. I think the 16.7 Billion is what they grossed last year. If they are forced to make restitution down the line, it will not include those that sign. And I still don't understand how the lawyers get 40% out of the settlement it's usually one third. Woodlock didnt back down, saying that some lawyers arguing against the Lone Pine order didnt know enough about their cases to move forward. That was in part due to the fact that Naturalytes label was a confusing disaster, and because Fresenius failed to train the doctors, Carey said. She won't tell us anyth. Or at least are getting a third of our settlement . I did not have to get any medical records and send. I WAITED 4 YEARS. I still grieve for my mom who died during treatment in 2011 & will never stop. Those are the dates ordered by the court. SETTING THE DEADLINE BACK SO THAT THEY MEET THEIR 97%.WHICH YOU GET NOTHING MORE THAN 1500 TOTAL. It was going to be but they extended the opt-in date and so that date is no longer valid for the bellwether trial so disregard it .For the people asking more people can opt in if they did not realize they had a case plain and simple no. I feel so bad for the people who didn't opt in. LAWYER SLIDES ME AN PAPER OUT OFF AN STACK OF PAPERS. We never had a chance to begin with. I lost my grandfather in 2005 from this drug. After the settlement is approved supporting documents will have to be sent to the claims administrator.My understanding of that is The claims administrator has already made his determination of what category you will be in and the strength of your case now he needs the supporting documents to finalize his determination. 1. Courts understandably give plaintiffs the benefit of every doubt before dismissing their cases for failure to comply with a Rule 16 order. I have a lawyer in my state and have had no problem getting information. Now my mom struggles to pay her bills without my dads disability checks. We also generally take out links and personal contact information due to spam problems and other issues that may arise. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/24/2017. As far as payment who knows. THEY JUST WANT THEIR MONEY 7%=17.5MILLION.THEY TELL US BIG MONEY TO GET YOU THERE.THEN THEIR GAME,TATICS.I THOUGHT MY LAWYER WAS A MAN,HIS WIFE WAS AN TRAMA NURSE OR EXTRAMA NURSE THAT'S TELLING ME TO TAKE THE 1500.SHE IS AN NURSE NOT A LAWYER. We had a lawyer that had our mother paperwork and told me and sisters and brothers we had a case now he saying we don't have anything after 3 years u telling me we don't have a case something wrong why wait until u got the settlement and we don't have a case the lawyers is trying to take what belongs too us for them self I'm not going for that it's just a shame u can't trust your lawyers if it was, We had a lawyer that had our mother paperwork and told me and sisters and brothers we had a case now he saying we don't have anything after 3 years u telling me we don't have a case something wrong why wait until u got the settlement and we don't have a case the lawyers is trying to take what belongs too us for them self I'm not going for that it's just a shame u can't trust your lawyers if it was one of there patents they wouldn't do that we not going to accept no 1500.00 I'm sorry is there's any attorneys u can trust, I received my letter about 3 weeks ago and as it read those that opt in will get something. 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